The Hradec Quartet play Haslingfield

church1On Thursday, 10 April at 7.30 pm, The Hradec Quartet will be performing in All Saints Church, Haslingfield. They will be playing Josef Suk’s Meditation, Beethoven’s Quartet in F minor Op. 95 (Serioso), and Ravel’s Quartet in F major.

Tickets are available at Haslingfield Village Shop or on the door. They cost £10 (£7 concessions) and include wine or juice.

Haslingfield – Week of Prayer

churchlogo(4)Haslingfield Christians are offering a Week of Prayer to our village from 5th-11th March 2014.
Haslingfield Christians includes All Saints’ Parish Church, the Methodist Church, Roman Catholic House Group and Christians who worship at other churches in the city and in other villages.
There will be 9 places in the village for you to ‘Pause and Ponder’.  If you are unable to join the Guided Walk on the 8th March, just walk around the village and pause at each one a moment to read and reflect.

Continue reading Haslingfield – Week of Prayer

Messy Church

This Friday 14th February at 3.00pm in the Methodist Church.  The theme is Radiant Red.  Creative crafts – Refreshments – Conversation – Fun – All age – Informal Worship – All welcome – Relax – and of course be MESSY.  No commitment, no cost.  Come and try it!