Haslingfield Neighbourhood Plan – the next step. Fancy a cuppa?

The Big Conversation event in June started us talking about Haslingfield’s future. Now the Haslingfield Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group would like to invite you to a series of mini conversations over a cup of tea or coffee to delve deeper into some of the topics raised in June.

We are planning a series of these ‘tea parties’ to cover a range of topics over the coming months. These will be small, informal groups of people getting together to talk over specific issues with our neighbours. We’ll use the information we gather from these events to help shape the policies of our Neighbourhood Plan. This is an opportunity to find out more about real issues that the Neighbourhood Plan can address for our village – and a chance for you to be involved in making that happen.

The first three tea parties are listed below. Anyone is welcome to attend one or all of these events: Read more

Food vans in the village this week

It is back to school week…. nerves and relief for many I’m sure!  Food van schedules for this week to settle those nerves..
Thursday (5/9): HK Hitwrap.  Preorder link
Friday (6/9): Not Operating !
Saturday (7/9): Thai Kong… a new Thai fusion van service.  More info to come.

Haslingfield Village Society Talk: Tips for Healthy Living

Haslingfield Village Society’s next talk will be Tips for Healthy Living by Robert Taylor. The talk will take place on 17 September 2024, 8.00 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall. Robert Taylor is Exercise Referral Co-ordinator for Cambridge City Council, and is a feast of knowledge on ways to keep fit. You don’t need to join a gym! Robert will explain ways you can improve your health without leaving your home. Just the thing for offsetting the excesses of summer! 

Members and 18yrs. and under are free.  £4.00 visitors.  Inclusive of refreshments.
More information about us and how to become a member at: www.haslingfieldvillagesociety.org.uk.

Food vans in the village this week

It’s the final week of the school holidays.  A great food van rotation this week at the Haslingfield Village Hall carpark (5-8pm):
Thursday (29/8): Mo’s Charcoal. A favourite!
Friday (30/8): La Biga Pizza.  Another favourite!
Saturday (31/8): Chai Stall.  A new favourite, bringing Indian “on the go” street delights!  More news to come….

Food vans in the village this week

As the school holidays continue, a juicy burger from Steak and Honour will put that smile back on your face!  At the Haslingfield Village Hall carpark from 5pm to 8pm:
Thursday (7/8): Steak and Honour with juicy burgers!  Meat-free, gluten free options available.  Pre-orders only.
Friday (8/8): Not operating
Saturday (9/8): Not operating

Concert at All Saints’ Church – 14th September 2024

Our vicar Claire and her identical twin sister Antoinette are the Cann Twins.

Tickets are available online here to see these remarkable concert pianists at All Saints Church 3pm to 4pm on Saturday 14th September.

The concert is our fundraiser as part of the Scarecrow Festival. We would love to see you there. Jennifer Gore, Churchwarden

Read more

Haslingfield and Harlton Youth survey

Are you aged 11-18 and a resident of Haslingfield or Harlton?  If so, we’d love to hear from you!

Haslingfield Parish Council has put together a short survey to find out the good and bad bits of being a young person in Haslingfield and Harlton.  We’ll be looking at your answers to see if there is anything else we can provide or help with, to make growing up here a better experience.

As a thank you for completing our survey, if you would like to enter into our prize draw to win 1kg of Pick N Mix, there’s a space for you to leave your email address at the end.  (This email address will only be used to contact the winner of the prize draw, and will be deleted after the survey results are in.)  Surveys can also be completed anonymously.  To complete the survey (less than 5 minutes), please go to: https://forms.gle/NmRegrRVgupSD2xs9

The survey will be live until 30 August 2024.

Walk and talk about Road Names – Sunday, 28 July

Haslingfield has lots of roads with interesting names. Clive Blower is organising a walk round the village of about 2 hours, when he will
talk about why the roads are called what they are called, using a document from the village archives.  There are 2 spare places available
on Sunday 28th July in the morning , so if you would like to come, contact Clive on outandabout@btinternet.com now.  First 2 people to sign
up will get a place.

NEXT WEEK: Little Theatre Panto Read-through and Auditions!

On Monday 15 July Haslingfield Little Theatre will be reading through the script of their exciting new original panto, The Golden Goose, written by Philippa Smith. This will be followed by Auditions on Thursday 18 July. Both will take place at Haslingfield Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Performances will take place on 21, 22. & 23 November 2024.
If you think you may like to be involved, on stage or back stage do come along! Here are a few examples of what the back-stage and production team do. Read more

Food vans in the village this week

Rain, rain, rain… and school holidays begin for some. Quiet week on food vans this week in Haslingfield.
Thursday (11/7): Not operating
Friday (12/7): La Biga – operating from Haslingfield Primary School
Saturday (13/7): Not operating