Village Society Special Event

Saturday 28 January 2012.
See it on the big screen at the Haslingfield Village Centre and sing – along with all those happy songs.  A substantial ploughman’s supper included and a bar is available.  Tickets: £7.50 adults, £5 children,  from Michael Hendy 870270,  The Village Shop and The Little Rose Pub.

Next HVS Talk

Tuesday 15 November, 8.00 pm in the Village Centre
Life in a Mirror: Symmetry in Nature
Dr Stuart Warren, retired lecturer and researcher, Dept of Chemistry at Cambridge University.
Read more

Next HVS Talk

The Speaker for Tuesday 18 October is Les Millgate  from the Imperial War Museum who will talk about Duxford History.  He replaces Martin Boswell who has been called away on that date. Read more

Next HVS Talk

The Haslingfield Village Society recommences on Tuesday, 20th September with another fascinating talk. Barry Stevenson, the man who can tell you the story behind the antiques, presents  A Medley of his own Collection’Read more

Bake House Opening

If you want to take a look at fascinating stuff from the Stringer Archive of Haslingfield history,  and  see at first hand how the ancestors baked their bread, heated the wash tub and visited the privy, then toddle along to the bake house on Well House Meadow from 10 am on Saturday 6th August .


Village Society Meeting

“Snap out of it”

A Travelogue in words and pictures
with Christopher & Janet South
Tuesday 19th April, 8.00 pm in Haslingfield Village Hall

All welcome!



History of Haslingfield Weekend Exhibition

Presented by the Haslingfield Village Society
Sat., 12 March & Sun. 13 March 2 pm – 5 pm
Haslingfield Village Centre     FREE ENTRY

Complete village archive collection: maps, photos, documents, etc.
Millennium Project: ten years on.
Family History Project: Harold Hopkins
Haslingfield Little Theatre Archives
Archeology Exhibit with M. Coles
County and Cambridge Archive Displays

Drink and biscuits available

Please bring any photos or documents that relate to village history to share with others.  If agreeable, the society can make copies and return the originals.

Contact John Beresford 01223 514849


An A-Z of Victorian Farming

is the subject of what promises to be an interesting talk by local historian Peter Ibbett on Tuesday, 15 March in Haslingfield Village Centre at 8:00 pm.  This is a subject that relates well to what went on in Haslingfield during that period of history: Green Farm, Moss Farm, Stearne’s Farm, Willow Farm, Chivers are just some of the names in Haslingfield.    Everyone receives a welcome at our meetings and events.   Members and school age free.   Small charge for non-members, tea & coffee included.

See you there.

HVS: History of the Cottage Garden

At 8 o’clock on Tuesday 15th February in the Village Hall Twigs Way, professional garden historian, author and broadcaster on radio and television, will talk on the History of the Cottage Garden.  Everyone is welcome at Village Society meetings, a small charge being made for adult non members – children free.

HVS: Energy in the Home


“Energy Saving is a modern priority, not just a responsibility for governments,
but also for us in our homes.”

On Tuesday 19 October at 8.00 p.m. in the Village Hall, Dr. Martin Roach will talk about this vital issue. He will review energy consumption in the average home, with ideas on how to reduce our usage. The talk has been organised by the Village Society – everyone is welcome to attend.


HVS: Writing Plays for Radio

Playwright, producer and actor Nick Warburton will be guest speaker at the Haslingfield Village Society on Tuesday, 16 November.  Nick will relate how he began writing plays for the radio, many of which you may have heard on BBC broadcasts. It promises to be a very interesting evening about what goes into the entertainment we enjoy. Everyone is very welcome to the Village Society talks. 

Venue: Haslingfield Village Centre            Date:  16 November            Time:  8.00 p.m

Bake House

In the beautiful surroundings of well house meadow enjoy a visit to village history. The bakehouse will be open to visitors along with a display of a selection of the archives held and maintained for you by HVS. Opening days 8th May, 12th June, 10th July, 7th August, The Village Festival, 9th October.  Time 10am to 12 noon.