The Village Society is holding a grand quiz night for the HVS Trophy on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH, 2023 at 7.30 p.m. at Haslingfield Village Hall .

Teams of five are invited to an evening of fun with a limited bar (beer, wine and soft drinks) and free nibbles.

If you can raise a team, please fill in the form here:

CHANGE OF SPEAKER & VENUE: This Tuesday’s Village Society Event

Due to building work at the village hall the Village Society meeting tomorrow, Tuesday 21st January will be held in All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield at 8.00pm.   

There is also a change to the advertised speaker and topic, which will now be: Genomic Revolution  ….   and you! A talk by Jason Skelton, an Advanced Research Assistant at the Wellcome Genome Campus near Hinxton just south of Cambridge.  Home to the Sanger Institute, the campus has leading scientists in the fields of genomics and biodata. Read more

Village Society Talk, Tuesday 16th April

Beginning at 8.00pm, a talk entitled ‘Medical Research: the Past, Present and Future’ will be given in Haslingfield Village Hall by Dr Nicola Muirhead.

Everyone is welcome, society members and school age free, a small charge for visitors.  Coffee and biscuits in the interval

A Haslingfield Village Society Double Bill

First on: Seven members of the Coding Club at Haslingfield Endowed Primary School have created a historical map of Haslingfield going back 200 years.  The map uses a slider bar to switch between dates and places of interest through the years.  See and hear from the creators themselves about their research and coding techniques.

We will then have a refreshment break. Read more

The FB Pocket Orchestra

Haslingfield Village Society Social Event, Saturday 2nd February 2019

The FB Pocket Orchestra (taking you back to the hot jazz, blues, ragtime & popular dances of the 1920/30s & earlier) is back by popular request after four years.  Includes a two course meal.  Bring your own beverages; water will be on the tables. Tickets: £16.  Doors open 6:15pm: music starts at 7 pm.

ONLY TWO TICKETS LEFTavailable from: Maria Stringer 01223 871256,   
Tessa Davies 01223 870989 and The Village Shop.  Don’t miss out.

Next Village Society Talk

11 days at sea, 65 ports.  
An avid traveller, Edmund Brookes describes his journey from Bergen to the Russian border and back on the ship Hurtigruiten my “Finnmarken.  This was a journey of splendid vistas, not to mention the equally splendid food.  This talk at the Haslingfield Village Society will be preceded by a short presentation by pupils from Haslingfield School of their digital maps of the village through time.
Tuesday, 19 January, 8:00 PM, Haslingfield Village Hall.  Everyone is very welcome. Members and school age are free, small charge for visitors.

Next Village Society Talk

My Life Behind Bars”

The Queen’s Head in Newton is one of only a handful of pubs to have appeared in every edition of the Good Beer Guide. The list of landlords since 1729 has just 18 entries with the names displayed on the wall in the simply furnished but timeless public bar. David Short, a man of many talents and an interesting speaker, will be talking about his experiences of running his pub, The Queen’s Head, for over 53 years. He will also present a short history of the development of the beer trade in England from before Roman times.  Tuesday 13th November 2018, 8.00pm, Haslingfield Village Hall.
Cheers! Everyone welcome, hope to see you there.

Next Village Society Talk

Literary Cambridge

Tuesday 16 October, Haslingfield Village Hall, 8:00 PM

Peter Hains will take us on a virtual tour of Cambridge, pointing out key  points of interest from a literary point of view.  Cambridge has a rich heritage in terms of authors, playwrights and poets and we will hear about many of them, including some readings from their works.  Peter  is a Haslingfield resident, a qualified Cambridge tour-guide, a retired English teacher and Headteacher, and an excellent speaker.

Read more

Village Society Talk

 The new season of Haslingfield Village Society talks begins with one of the Society’s favourite speakers, Michael Coles, who will speak about “Further Travels in India – Weaving about in Gujarat.” Few overseas visitors make their way to the state of Gujarat. This is the State of Mahatma Gandhi, where he encouraged craft skills and started his non-violence journey to independence. Gujarat is in parts densely populated but elsewhere a desert, and the home for many people making exquisite textiles. This talk will take us from the big cities, through the villages, to the Arabian Sea. Tuesday, 18th September 2018, 8:00 PM, Haslingfield Village Hall.
Everyone is very welcome to any of our events and meetings. Members and youngsters are free. A small charge is made for visitors.

Next Village Society Talk

Top-secret radar trial, signal intelligence, home of a Canadian squadron in the R.A.F’s elite Pathfinder Force.

Pilot and Author, Chris Sullivan, will speak on the story of R.A.F. Gransden Lodge. After being put to valuable use by the R.A.F.’s Bomber and Transport Commands, it was subsequently the venue for the first post-war motor races to take place in the U.K.  After a long period during which it was under consideration as a base for Cold War American forces it was returned to agriculture, until the Cambridge Gliding Centre set up operations there in the early 1990s.  Haslingfield Village Society, Tuesday, 17th April, 8:00PM, Haslingfield Village Hall.

Village Society Social Evening

By all accounts  a good time was had by all, including the band.  Before the memories fade here is a reminder of a great evening.  Click the pic. to enlarge.

Tiffany with the Myke Clifford Trio

Next Village Society Talk

Tuesday 20th March 2018, 8.00pm, Haslingfield Village Hall

Wicken Fen, Past, Present and Future

Dr Peter Green will give an overview of the creation of the Fen and the various drainage schemes.  He will then detail how Wicken was one of the few small areas to escape drainage thanks, in part, to the efforts of scientists from Cambridge.  Once the National Trust was formed it bought part of Wicken Fen and was donated much more by these same Cambridge Scientists.  The talk will then detail how the National Trust has maintained the Fen and the reasons for, and progress, of the Wicken Fen Vision, a 100 year project to ensure the long term preservation of this extremely important ecosystem.

Next Village Society Talk – “Mercy Ships”

Presented by Jill Pearce

Ships that bring hope to the despairing, healing to the damaged, and health to the ill are to be rejoiced in.  We offer hope, health and healing to the world’s poor.  Currently our hospital ship – “Africa Mercy” – is docked at Cameroon.  Her mission there  for 10 months is to carry out operations that could not otherwise be afforded by the people; on board they pay nothing.  The teams of nurses, doctors, surgeons and other crew members from all over the world donate their time on the world’s largest non-governmental floating hospital, for free.

Haslingfield Village Hall, Tuesday 20th February 2018 at 8.00pm. Everyone is very welcome. Members and youngsters are free, Visitors £2.  Enjoy a ‘cuppa’ and a chat in the interval.


Village Society Annual Social

Songs from the Shows 
with a two-course meal. Seating at tables.  Bring your own beverage.

Starring Haslingfield’s own Tiffany with backing group. Saturday, 17th February 2018.  Haslingfield Village Hall.   This event is sold out already.  To put your name on the waiting list for returns contact  Maria Stringer (01223 871256/ .  Tickets £14.