Urgent: East West Rail Petition

Cambridge Approaches and BFARe have come together to start this petition to “Pause plans for Oxford-Cambridge rail link pending a full, independent review”. It has had over 2000 signatures in its first 48 hours, but due to the snap general election it will be terminated at 00:01 on 30th May 2024. So we have until next Wednesday to send a message to the next government that we are not happy with the proposals for East West Rail. Please sign the petition and ask your friends and family to do so as well. Read more

Travellers on the Rec

Now it is illegal to squat and it has become a criminal offence to do so, perhaps the law makers will make entry onto private land a similar offence. Heaven only knows how much it costs nationwide to evict these people and clear up the mess and filth many of them leave. Come on Mr Page, start the ball rolling in the Sunday Telegraph.

John Benstead