Do You Want To Raise Money For Your Favourite Charity?

Haslingfield Methodist ChurchThe annual Charity Fair will be held in the Methodist Church on Saturday 16th November from 11 am to 2.30 pm.
If you would like to run a stall for a charity, you are invited to apply to Christine Kipping, 1 Stearne’s Yard, before Saturday 5th October. There is limited space and we would like there to be a fair representation of registered charities selling a wide variety of goods, so be imaginative!! Read more

Interested in Organ Playing?

Organ Experience Day in All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield
Saturday 18 May between 10.30 am and 12.30 pm.  If you would like to know more about playing an organ, how one works, hear it for yourself, or would just like to have a go, do come along.  There will even be a story for children, illustrated on the organ. 

This will also be an opportunity to meet Robin Walker and Friends

Refreshments available

Alpha Course

Just a reminder – the Alpha Supper is this coming Tuesday 7th May at Haslingfield Vicarage at 7.30pm. Everyone is very welcome to join us as we take the opportunity to explore questions of faith over the coming 6 weeks.

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Come to our Big Brekkie

The Big Brekkie at All Saints’ Church will start Christian Aid Week in style.  Come along and enjoy breakfast, tea and coffee and good company!  Join us between 9am and 10.30am on May 11th for a bacon/sausage sandwich and a cuppa to raise money for Christian Aid.  

Other breakfast options will be available.  All proceeds to go towards the work of Christian Aid.  For more information, please visit