Minutes of HPC meeting held on Monday July 12th 2010

Present –Christine Kipping, Lucian Hatfield, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Marjorie Richardson,  Angela Taylor, Wendy Timbs,

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance     

There was one member of the public present

1      Apologies for absence – David Slight and John Wheelhouse

2      Members Declaration of Interest – none   

3      Open Forum – no comments

4      Minutes of meeting held on June 14th were agreed and signed

5      Matters to be reported from these minutes – replacement of waste bin at school no reply from SCDC

Visit by Judith Ewer a Governor of Addenbrookes on September 13th at 7pm – agreed

6       Planning – applications and decisions

S/1007/10/F – Erection of Boundary wall and creation of access (retrospective application) 46 High St – recommended

S/1052/10/F – extension 17 The Hemlocks – recommended

No comments needed from HPC on Phase 1 Infrastructure Provision at Trumpington Meadows

Permission granted by SCDC for alterations to The Manor, 5 High St

7     Additional Matters for discussion – Newsletter for next month – articles

A plan of the new school for Trumpington Meadows was circulated and will be discussed as an ‘informal discussion’at the August meeting

An incident of people camping near the river bridge was reported, and a theft from a house in Fountain Lane.  A considerable amount of litter was seen on the recreation ground recently.

Haslingfield Parish Council has been reaccredited to the ‘Quality Council Scheme’.  A presentation will take place later in the year.

8        County Councillors Report – the first buses are expected to use the Guided Busway around Christmas 2010.  Discussions are taking place with CCC about the loss of day care places.  The following statement has been issued ‘That the amount of day care available should not change unless a patient or carers needs have changed’.  It is hoped that a successor to Greg Harlock, CEO for SCDC will be agreed on July 22nd.  A decision has not yet been reached to build a new secondary school at Cambourne, there are 750 students coming down the line in Cambourne and no where for them to go to secondary school.  Comberton Village College is full, and is hoping to reduce numbers slightly when the sixth form centre is open.  CCC in-year budget has been cut by the Government to the tune of £2.9m for revenue and £2.9m for capital – so any large schemes are unlikely to take place.  The remediation works at Hauxton (ex Bayer site) has been a long running issue, it was examined by the South Cambs Scrutiny Committee almost a decade ago, and came to a head when the bentonite wall that protects the Cam started to deteriorate.  The site is extremely polluted and the clean up operation under the eye of the Environment Agency is bound to be smelly and difficult.  However the work has to be carried out.

9        District Councillors Report –.LH and SK have been talking to Mr Lee  the proprietor of Whippet buses concerning the poor bus service in Haslingfield and the surrounding villages.  The numbers using the no 75 bus are very low and fuel costs are high because of the fuel loss incurred by the traffic congestion.  Drivers do not like turning at ‘The Hoops’ in Eversden.  CCC insist that the contract for transporting students to the 6th form colleges must be with Stagecoach, which reduces the potential income of Whippet.  A leaflet is to be circulated around the villages, and the results discussed by the Parish Councils and Whippet before talking to CCC.  There is a need to find a more acceptable car scheme.  SCDC planning department is being restructured and is to lose eight members of staff.  There will no longer be an appeals officer, appeals will be dealt with by the case officer.  The proposed visits to Parish Council meetings by SCDC have been abandoned.  The SCDC Cabinet have resolved to write to the Government concerning the sale of Council Houses to housing societies.  LH has suggested Dr Stephen Jones from Stapleford as the artist to work with the Trumpington Meadows developers on the Public Art Strategy.

10   Committee and Working party Reports

AEnvironment  –  No meeting.  Deep water notices erected in Wellhouse meadow.  Few other jobs completed due to lack of volunteers.  More committee members needed

B – Pavilion  – storage of gang mowers has been discussed following the RoSPA report.  A compound will be expensive; the cost of cutting the grass by contractors is being investigated

C – Alloments – there are four people on the waiting list.  Pat Matthews the SCDC drainage officer has visited the site and given recommendations for further expansion.  The allotment association is taking part in the scarecrow festival.

 10     Correspondence – SCAMBS traffic management committee 19th July 2pm

NHW Newsletter

Review of disabled access at Polling stations is underway

Election of Cllr Iain Booth from Cambourne as Parish Representative on the SCDC Standards Committee

Request from the 6/17th Cambridge Scout Group to use the Wellhouse meadow for their annual bonfire and firework display on Saturday November 6th  – agreed

Request from Scarecrow Festival Committee to use the Wellhouse Meadow over the weekend of September 11/12th.  On Saturday for a dog show and bakehouse opening, archery and car display and on Sunday for the Church service and possibly teas.  They wish to erect tents on Thursday and Friday beforehand.  The small meadow would be used for the bbq on Saturday evening from 6pm.  There will be two bands and a bar – agreed

Request for parking on the village green on Sunday July 18th of 3 horse boxes for 3 hours whilst 3 alpacas are partaking in a fund raising event for the church – agreed to them parking on the road but not on the grass

Market Review received from N W Brown

Reminder of Police panel meeting on Wednesday 21st at 7.00pm

Andrew Lansley – abolition of regional planning and measures to tackle unauthorised development

CCC – changes to the mobile Library service

12       Re-siting of Parish Notice Boards – it was agreed to purchase a new notice board to be erected next to the existing one near the red telephone box.  LH to discuss planning permission with SCDC.  The pavilion committee are considering erecting a notice board on the side wall of the Pavilion to advertise group meetings. Sporting and other events.  7 councillors were in favour of this with 1 abstension.  Advertising on village notice boards by commercial companies was raised, this to be an agenda item at the next meeting.

13      Damage to Tennis Court Fencing – Cost of erecting new fence section to match existing £3495 + VAT.  Further quotes to be obtained

14      SCDC Community Pride and Village Hero Awards – agreed not to proceed  7 votes and one abstention

15      Trumpington Meadows – a Public Art Strategy

Trumpington Meadows Public Art Strategy – supported by Haslingfield Parish Council

HPC elected to be involved in workshops developing the details 

16      Section 106 payment – Wisbey’s Yard development – it was agreed by 7 votes with one abstention to accept the sum of £11,455 under the Section 106 agreement entered into in respect of the development of Wisbey’s Yard and 1/3 Fountain Lane.  This money to be used within ten years to provide or develop ‘Public Open Space’.  Indemnity forms were signed by Marjorie Richardson and Janet Hendy, and  witnessed by Olga Murkin and Wendy Timbs

17      SCAMBS Sustainable Energy Partnership – a volunteer is required to take this forward 

18      Signatories for bank Account to be agreed – Haslingfield Parish Council resolved that the following members be appointed as signatories to the Barclay’s Community Account

            Marjorie Richardson, Margaret Long and David Slight  prop  JO seconded  MH

19      Finance – Resolution to pay of outstanding accounts proposed by JO seconded by CK

20     Date of next meeting Monday August  9th 2010

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