Haslingfield United Charities: Education Fund

The Trustees of the Education Fund invite applications from young people resident in the village and under the age of 21 for small grants towards the cost of educational expenses. Such expenses would typically include the purchase of necessary course text books and instruments, also tools etc required for recognised apprenticeships.   Click ‘Read More’ below for further details

Applications for grants relating to voluntary work overseas and to training schemes, for example the Duke of Edinburgh Award, will also be considered. In addition, grants towards the costs incurred in project work for GCSE, A-levels and other examinations and attending interviews for courses of further education may be available. Applications will be considered twice yearly in July and December. The closing date for the next round is 31 December 2014. Applications should be comprehensive and made in writing to the Clerk to the Charities, Mrs W A Timbs, 45 Badcock Road, Haslingfield.


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