Minutes of the Parish Council meeting 13th October 2014

These are the minutes of the meeting:


Minutes of meeting held on Monday October 13th 2014

Present – Bob Branch, Trina Backhurst, Christine Kipping, Sue Watson. County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley was in attendance.  The meeting was quorate with 4 parish councillors present.

There were no members of the public present.

1                   Apologies for absence – Tony Adcock, Jenny Jullien, Ron van der Hoorn, John Offord, Lucian Hatfield, Julie Coxall and Robin Page

2                   Declarations of interest – Trina Backhurst declared an interest in the reinvestment of bond monies from the Bank of Cyprus, as she works for N W Brown Investments

3                   Open Forum for public participation – There were no members of the public present.

4                   District Councillor’s Report –Robin Page sent his apologies

5                   County Councillor’s Report – Sebastian Kindersley reported that the Cemex planning application for 220 houses in Barrington Quarry has gone to South Cambs District Council for consideration. When processed we should have an extended public consultation period and a meeting with Cemex. Haslingfield Parish Council has listed some requirements for them to deliver on, including cycle paths and highway improvements, as well as speed reductions between here and Barrington, in the event that the development went ahead. Events are planned to take place within Barrington and in neighbouring Parishes to ensure that as many people are aware about what is planned as possible. Recent surveying in Harlton and Haslingfield has confirmed that most people are seriously concerned about the impact of extra traffic in the Parishes. Barrington and Haslingfield Parish Councils, amongst others, continue to argue that this is not – and never could be – a sustainable development in any meaningful way and that therefore it must be resisted.

6                   To approve and sign the minutes of September 8th  2014 – approved and signed: TB proposed, CK seconded

7                   Matters to be reported from these minutes – none

8                  Planning Planning applications and decisions:

S/2073/14/LB – River Farmhouse, Harston Rd; Alterations & installation to include: new piping, new chimney pots, wall membranes, replacement of plaster – no objections

S/2021/14/FL – 72 High St; Single storey side extension for wet room and porch – no objections. C/11/40/045 – Elizabeth Cottage, The Knapp; Application to carry out tree works subject to a tree preservation order or situated within a conservation area –  agreed only to moderate pruning of apple tree, conifers not recommended

9                   Additional Matters for discussion – The noticeboard near the village shop and Post Office needs replacing with something larger that can be locked. RB suggested to consider the need for putting a new notice board by the church. This will be discussed at the next Parish meeting.  FL to investigate plaques to replace the Badcock Memorial, which is too weathered/damaged to renovate properly. TB suggested cleaning the old Badcock Memorial and making the area surrounding it more attractive.  CK mentioned that the no dogs sign in the recreation ground has fallen down and needs to be concreted back in.  RB to circulate draft version of new standing orders for consideration at next meeting. Changes to Parish Council tax base should be in to SCDC by 30th November 2014.

10               Committee and Working Party Reports;

  1. Environment – CGM has been asked to cut the grass around the community orchard in the Wellhouse Meadow. Jay Cole has volunteered to replace one of the fallen fruit trees with a Cambridge Gage. RB to prune the orchard when the trees are inactive and the mowing has taken place. Two quotes have been received for replacing the gates and fencing in the Meadow and one more is awaited. Roger Scott has kindly volunteered to be the Wellhouse Meadow Guardian and will alert the Parish Council to any maintenance issues.  FL to order packets of poppy seeds to be scattered after the bonfire night by the Scouts, in addition to wildflower seeds already received.  Tree quotes have been received for the Elms and Lilac Close areas.  Sam Bowden to be asked to undertake the work.  Proposed by TB and seconded by CK. Clive Blower to be contacted about the millennium pond area maintenance.
  2. Village Hall –Ron van der Hoorn sent apologies for absence and reported that the floodlights for the Haslingfield Colts are now installed and operational. They consist of 4 posts with 2 floodlights on each. The armoured flex is connected before and after use and they are stored in the container at the far end of the rec. The connection box is outside the boiler room and is locked when not in use. The water boiler has been descaled and the kitchen water heater and taps have been replaced.  White lines for 26 parking spaces have now been painted in the car park. The Village Hall refurbishment has been agreed and will commence the second week in January and should be completed by end February. The recreation ground has had weed-killer applied in last 4 weeks, which is required every 2 years. A quote from Millcam to replace the front doors, based on similar spec to the existing door and including removal and fitting, was higher than expected. HLT has also agreed that the hearing aid loop and audio amplifiers can be used by third parties. We have now agreed terms with additional ad-hoc cleaners who will clean the hall after it has been used on Friday or Saturdays, including evening events. TB will discuss replacement curtains with the Committee.
  3. Allotments – There is full occupancy and the rent letters have been sent out.
  4. Trumpington Meadows –29 new houses have now been built.
  5. Play Area – Nothing to report – JC sent her apologies.
  6. Webiste & C&V – Nothing to report.
  7. Tennis Club Planned Developments – RB sent a chaser email to the solicitor to submit the final lease for FIT approval, including the revised operating agreement, which has been signed by the Tennis Club and HPC.
  8. Parish Emergency Plan – TA sent apologies. Some money has been spent on materials.
  9. Skate Park – Two quotes have been received for the maintenance of the area. TB suggested asking Cemex for funding for the redevelopment of the Skatepark, should planning permission be granted. FL to ask Clever Curves how long the Skatepark will last after maintenance repairs and to send them the recent official Play Inspection report for comment. FL to ask the PI Company to confirm the Skatepark is still safe to use in the meantime.
  10. Traffic Calming Measures – There was one objector to the traffic calming measures, so the proposal now has to go to a CCC Committee for determination on November 17th

11               Correspondence – An email and map was received from Lee Bevans about possible development on the South side of Willow Farm. This is land within the green belt.  South Cambs District Council’s position hasn’t changed on green belt developments and neither has HPC’s. Both will oppose any proposal for development on that site. FL will send a reply to that effect.  A letter was received regarding cars parked on the other side of the road opposite the village hall during busy periods, obstructing wide traffic. Thought will be given to additional parking sites and possible use of parking cones or a volunteer parking warden.  RB to answer email more fully in due course. A suggestion was made about converting the BT phone box in the village a book exchange. FL to check usage of phone and procedure involved.

12               Bank of Cyprus Progress Report – JO to return mandate forms and will check with David Blake and Bank to see if DB has replied to the earlier letter.

13               Cycle Path from Haslingfield to Grantchester – LH sent a written report. There is a possibility of City Deal funding for an upgrade of the Haslingfield to Harston bridleway. The main issue with this route is possible conflict with the numerous dog walkers who use it. A different route linked up with Grantchester Bridleway is also being considered.

14               CEMEX – See Item 5

15               Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts. CK proposed, TB seconded.

Date of next meeting Monday 10th November 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

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