Minutes of Parish Council meeting 10th March 2014


Minutes of meeting held on Monday 10th March 2014

Present – Bob Branch, Tony Adcock, Trina Backhurst, Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, Jenny Jullien, Christine Kipping, Ron van der Hoorn, Sue Watson and Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance.  There were no members of the public present

1                    Apologies for absence – Robin Page, John Offord, John Pym

2                    Declarations of interest – Christine Kipping declared an interest regarding the planning application at Badcock Road

3                    Open Forum for public participation – no questions

4                    Minutes of the meeting held on February 10th  were approved and signed

5                    Matters to be reported from these minutes – None

6                    County Councillors Report – SK was impressed by the village wide traffic calming scheme. The County Council met and agreed on a budget increase of 1.99%.  With money saved from winter gritting allowance, more money can be added to fund other schemes such as children’s centres.  £500,000 has been set aside for additional matters.  The plans for the Haslingfield to Grantchester cycle path have been submitted. SK is now consulting with colleagues in order to gain Section 106 monies, of which 10% must be spent on improvements for cycling.  The proposal to move Papworth Hospital to Peterborough has been refused.  Addenbrooke’s Hospital was considered to be a more suitable site to take on the project. RB agreed to inform John Pym that the cycle path scheme is ready to go

7                    District Councillors Report – RP sent apologies for absence

8                    Planning Applications and Decisions

S/0228/14/FL – demolition of existing single storey garage and construction of new two storey dwelling, 16 Badcock Road – Recommended 000000000 due to overdevelopment of site and inadequate parking.

S/2394/13/FL – erection of garage, 18 Trinity Close – Passed

9                    Additional Matters for Discussion – LH raised the problem with buses at the top of New Road churning up the grass verge.  The corner of the road is too narrow and a physical obstruction is needed to stop the buses from mounting the verge.  Wooden bollards or a new raised kerb were suggested and this is to be brought to the attention of the County Highways.  TB said white lines on Harston Rd should be reinstated on the corner near Porkers Lane.  SK says it is on the list.  The dented barrier near the Old Vicarage has been taken down. LH suggested a staggered double barrier would be more suitable. SK said that the footpath should be kept clear and unobstructed at all times, and that this is the landowner’s responsibility. FB to contact Kate Day, Footpaths Officer, to discuss further. RB raised the issue of anti social behaviour, suspected drug dealing and unacceptable noise levels from approximately 20 youths in the Skate Park in Cantelupe Road on several consecutive weeks over the weekend. A resident was reportedly physically threatened and verbally abused when he attempted to intervene.   Cambourne police station has been informed and residents are advised to ring 999 or 101 if it happens again. There is to be a meeting in Harlton on 25th March to discuss the proposed CEMEX housing application in Barrington.

10                Committee and Working Party Reports –

a)      Environment – A tree has come down in the moat at Wellhouse Meadow and a second tree needs to be cut down there.  A tree inspection of the village is to be organised and a quote for a survey from CGM is to be arranged.

b)      Village Hall – New village hall keys are needed as the key holder records are incomplete. JJ to organise and get quote for cost of new high security lock and keys for the front door. RH is awaiting 2 more quotes before starting refurbishment work on the Village Hall.  TA informed that 24 spaces can be marked out on the car park in white or yellow paint.  It will cost approximately £400 to do the work. RB to see if one or two disabled spaces are required by County Guidelines.

c)      Allotments – A concrete base and security shed are to be installed by the end of March.

d)     Trumpington Meadows – CK went to a meeting to discuss the naming of the new Community Centre.

e)      Play Area – Mud under the zip wire has been a problem over the winter months. If it does not dry out soon work is to be undertaken to make drainage holes in the soil and fill with sand.

f)       Website and C&V – RH said that on reflection a shared space on the website is not a good idea.  Separate cloud storage would be better as it is more secure and would have the same access for all. There will be a sub-committee meeting to discuss the new layout next week.  The Tennis Club want to make a lot of changes to their web page. RH will train people in how to do this.

g)      RB signed the appointment letter and sent the draft lease for the Lawn Tennis Club to FIT (Fields in Trust).  We may miss the window this month to get the lease to FIT Management Committee  but grant funding applications should be fine with a draft only.

h)      TA said the Emergency Plan team meet every 3 months and the next meeting is in April.  He will draft an article to go on the website and Church & Village magazine with the date of the meeting when finalised.

i)        The Annual Meeting is arranged for 19th May.  Keith French to audit the accounts.  RH team to prepare their accounts for approval – there is a different year end for the Village Hall.  A speaker is to be invited to the event –TBA.

11                Correspondence – Several complaints were received regarding the loud stereo music from the Skate Park on 2 consecutive weekends – see item 9.

12                Cycle path from Grantchester to Haslingfield – LH is awaiting SK to chase officers but is preparing a short report to apply for the grant funding.  A letter is to be written to John Pym to pursue.  .

13                Proposed speed limit on A10 –  A 40mph limit is proposed on A10 towards Cambridge.  Councillors were puzzled as to why the 40mph limit was not put all the way through to the motorway.  30 mph should be put through the villages and 40mph thereafter this side of the M11. FB to ask for clarification.

14                Report on Road Safety initiative – SK said presentation in January was worthwhile as we were given £10,000 towards the initiative.  There is still £18,000 to find and HPC will pay the CCC Local Highways Projects the difference.  RB to check whether Skanska’s payments will be staged, as the work is undertaken now the grant applies.

15                Motion to approve BT proposed modified village hall emergency telephone link – TA said a Council BT business line would cost £300 per annum.  A private line will only cost £192 for the first year and £217 in subsequent years.  Thus a business line in the name of the Parish Council will be much more expensive.  A phone line in TAs name would save £154 per year plus there would be no set up charge of £135.  Ian Dewar advised this procedure is OK if the Parish Council approves.  TA proposed RH seconded – Passed.

16                Motion on clarification for Skanska invoice –RB informed HPC that original quote from Skanska did not include VAT.  Council agreed to additional 20% VAT increase. In any case the Council can reclaim the VAT so there is no actual additional cost.

17                Community Governance Review of Trumpington Meadows – There is to be a Public meeting on this on Wednesday 16th April.  John Pym and Tracey Mann of SCDC to attend.  At the same meeting RB to provide more briefing to the public on the Road Safety Initiative.  Councillors to think of a name of the Trumpington Meadows entity by the next meeting. 

18                Signing of indemnity forms for SCDC to accept Section 106 monies – Council approved and  RB & TA signed.

19                Finance – Outstanding accounts and salary cheques signed for payment:


Date of next meeting Monday 14th April 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall        

Comments (1)

  • Simon Carter


    I am interested to understand how the the high speed broadband proposal for Haslingfield is progressing. I have not seen any correspondence recently in theorist magazine regarding this issue.


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