Minutes for Parish Council meeting 10th June 2013


Minutes of meeting held on Monday June 10th 2013

Present –Tony Adcock, Bob Branch, Trina Backhurst, Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, Jenny Jullien,  Christine Kipping, John Offord, Rebecca Ridley, ,

Sebastian Kindersley and John Pym were in attendance

    There were 3 members of the public present

1          Apologies for absence – Ron van der Hoorn and Robin Page

2          Members Declaration of Interest – RR correspondence ref The Hemlocks

3        Open Forum –  Proposed School Access from The Hemlocks.  A representative from Haslingfield United Charities told councillors that the Trustees tried for many years to purchase the land designated for the access.  Ownership of the land is currently in dispute and the Charities are involved in the dispute in an attempt to preserve the option for the access, which they consider would be of great benefit to the village.  The Trustees are willing to negotiate on this land ownership issue and are waiting to hear if this offer will be taken up.  Councillors did not consider that opening the access would affect the security of homes in The Hemlocks.  The school have been trying to open this access for nearly 20 years.  80 parents recently signed a petition in support of opening the access.  The school is anxious to keep traffic out of The Hemlocks.  The Parish Council pressed for the network of paths to be opened in the interest of children’s safety in the 1960’s. The issue of ownership of the land is sub-judice so HPC will take no action for the present.  The matter will need to go to planning should the land issue be resolved to allow access.  However without prejudice the Chairman offered to meet The Hemlocks residents informally as the PC roads initiative representative to discuss their concerns.

4        Minutes of meeting held on May 13th were agreed and signed with the amendment  that the’ Parish Council agreed to support the principle of the school’s access through The Hemlocks’ paragraph 15

Proposed TB and Seconded JJ

 5   Matters to be reported from these minutes – Quotes received from Sam Howell for tree work


1          Remove lower limbs of trees along Manor House Drive, and remove ivy covered elder near kissing gates  –  price £140

2          Sam suggests reducing the height of the hawthorn trees on the far side of WH Meadow to hedge height as one has already fallen and others are beginning to

            Price £950

Advice to be sought on this from the Village Tree Officer, and other quotes obtained. 

No work to be done until the nesting season is over

3          Reduce the size of the Elm tree on the green at The Elms by 35-40% as it is causing

      problems for houses 15-19 The Elms  –  price £285

                        Parish Council Vacancy is now being advertised on the website and noticeboards, closing date July 13th.  It will appear in the next C & V

                         RoSPA have been asked to carry out an inspection of the play area and the skate park

      6     Planning –

             Permission given by SCDC for garage conversion with new pitched roof, 11 New Road

7        Additional Matters for discussion – following damage to the large slide in the play area, a meeting was held last Monday with Kompan the manufacturers who are mystified by the damage and have agreed to repair it free of charge, and are to carry out investigations.

Street lighting up times to be checked on.  The cycle barrier in Butler Way has been damaged again, this will be reported to Highways.

Grantchester /Haslingfield Footpath update –in principle consent has been obtained from Kings College by SCDC Planning staff, – CCC are behind with their work load due to reorganisation and shortage of staff.  There is no money available at the moment to carry out the work, but CCC might be prepared to borrow money against future Section 106 money for the project. A formal plan is now needed which is agreed at all levels, and a decision taken as to whether to accept the route as it was originally planned or press for small changes. RR has a meeting with Grantchester PC next week.  Clerk to request re painting of white lines around the village particularly in Barton Road and Harston Road.

A village energy day is to be organised in November – RR  

8      County Councillors Report – CCC  AGM took place on 14.5.13 where it was decided to go  back to the committee system, this system will last for 5 years.  Sebastian Kindersley was elected Vice Chairman.  CCC and the City Council are to form a ‘City Deal’ which is almost a unitary authority. 10 out of the 12 parishes in this area have submitted Road Safety Improvement schemes.  The first phase of Superfast Broadband is to be rolled out to Papworth, Willingham and Elsworth by the end of the year.  All homes should be connected by 2015.  The sports stadium at Trumpington Meadows and the one at Sawston have been rejected

9      District Councillors Report – None

      10   Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment – suggestion that poppy seed be planted in WH Meadow to flower next year to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the 1st World War on August 4th.  JO suggested a green wheelie bin be obtained for village green grass cuttings to be put in.  It was decided to fence around the corner of the moat in the WH Meadow to prevent accidents, materials to be decided. Tree Officer to inspect dead tree overhanging pavement at no 12 High St.  A working party have cleared concrete footpath in School Lane/Back Lane. In the autumn planings are to be laid between the bollards in School Lane and Back Lane.  Most of the barbed wire has been removed from Wellhouse Meadow, a warning to be printed in C & V that some may remain.

Fly tipping is still going on at the northern boundary of WH Meadow.

B-Village Hall, new committee formed-  Chairman RvdH, Secretary JJ, Treasurer TK, Bookings

C Tod.  The first meeting will take place on June 27th and user representatives have been invited

Arrangements to be made for PAT testing of all electrical equipment and a survey of the hot water and heating systems.  Plans should be available next month for the refurbishment of the cloakrooms.  No income has been received so far from the Solar Panels, this to be checked.

C- Highways Safety measures – No update, awaiting reply from CCC

D – Allotments  – None

E – Trumpington Meadows –.None

F – Play Area – damaged slide referred to above. JC to put warning tape around

11      Correspondence  –  Letter from Hemlocks’ residents re proposed School Access see above

Letter from Roger Bourne re Grass at Trinity Close – contractors to be asked to cut 12” border on triangular patch

Request from Little Owls pre-school group seeking a grant to establish a new group from September.  HPC agreed to give £1000 and investigate whether a loan could also be made.  Other sources of funding were also suggested

     12    Web site – Paper presented by BB,  RvdH to be invited to join the web site committee

 Meetings are held approx. every 2 months.  The Clerk to be advised the date of meetings so that   

 she can ensure a Parish Councillor will be attending.  This will be a sub committee of the Parish

 Council and will report back to the PC.  Proposed procedures: it was agreed nem con to go ahead

 and trial them.  A firm policy on advertising to be established, it is suggested that a directory of

 businesses will be displayed rather than individual adverts.  BB will handle all this and report

 back to the July meeting.

12    Name of Village Hall/Centre –  c/f to next meeting

      14  Footpath Inspection – forms collected in to be analysed

15    Finance –

                 1     Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by JJ seconded by RR

            2          Authorisation of new Bank signatories, completion of Bank Mandate,

            Rebecca Ridley and Bob Branch prop JO seconded LH

3          Completion of audit report agreed and signed Prop CK seconded RR


Date of next meeting Monday July 8th at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall


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