Haslingfield Parish Council Meeting Agenda 11 April 2022

The Haslingfield Parish Council Meeting will be taking place this Monday 14 March at 7.30 pm at the village hall. To see the agenda, please click: HPC Agenda 11 April 2022

Comments (3)



    A reply has been sent regarding the 1977 jubilee. If what the film/cd contains does not meet today’s quality and content standards, that would be understood. Times
    and people have evolved over the years.
    The rapid reply shows the newsletter to be of interest, beyond the village boundaries. Thanks, and keep it coming.
    Neville James Cole


  • Michelle Golder


    Hi Neville, That sounds really interesting and a great idea. Can you email me on michellegolder@gmail.com?




    The jubilee celebrations advancing. A while ago i offered via the newsletter, a cd of the 8mm film I took of the 1977 silver jubilee in the village. If it’s not too late to
    incorporate in the upcoming events, I will send to the appropriate recipient’s address.
    I hope the quality and contents meet expectations?
    Neville james Cole


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