Message from the  Parish Council

Villagers will have recently received a letter through their door from Cambridgeshire Acre enclosing a Housing Needs Survey for Haslingfield. We confirm that this survey has been supported by the Parish Council as per the minute from the July parish council  meeting  below:

To approve the letter drafted by Cambridgeshire ACRE on behalf of the parish council which will be posted through the doors of parishioners requesting support in completing a housing needs survey for Haslingfield.
All Supported 

I hope this helps to clarify any queries you may have regarding receipt of this document.

Comments (1)

  • Steve Edmondson


    Most will agree that the village must provide suitable housing for the full range of ages and income levels.
    House prices have risen well beyond the means of many, especially young people, most of whom leave the village.
    I hope this survey will help identify the issues and perhaps lead to suitable houses being built here.


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