Picking up after dogs

The Parish Council have become aware that with the increased dog ownership during lockdown our pavements and public/dog walking areas are regularly being fouled and irresponsible owners are not picking up after their dogs.

PLEASE can you consider others and show responsible behaviour when out walking your dogs so we can all enjoy our lovely village. Thank you

Comments (2)



    Responsible behaviour the key. From the earliest years and through school, work and social activities good manners are essential.
    Put simply, the old adage “manners maketh man”, and woman, should be applied.


  • Tish


    Thank you for making this request. I don’t have a dog myself but still take walks all over the village. My experience is more about black plastic bags with dog poo in them being abandoned on the side of the paths instead of being disposed of in the bins provided. I also noticed other plastic rubbish littering roads and paths. Could these problems be noted as well please? I feel this is just as bad because we are letting plastics enter our precious and already damaged ecosystem.


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