Food vans in the village this week

Autumn is definitely with us this week. Heart warming belly-filling food is on order!  At the Haslingfield Village Hall this week (5-8pm):  Thursday (23/9): Sam’s Thai!  Pre orders are strongly advised.  Friday (24/9): La Biga Pizza are back.  Saturday (25/9): Pull Me CheriSunday (26/9): Not operating.

Comments (3)

  • Parish Clerk


    Hi, I post an article titled ‘Food vans in the village this week’ on Mondays, so you can always check the website on Mondays to see what will be available later in the week. Hope that helps.


  • Michelle Golder


    Hi Felicity, are you on Facebook? There is a dedicated group you can join for all things food in the village:
    It posts the weekly food van news early in the week. I wonder if there is a way this site could display that info for those not on Facebook?


  • Felicity Austin


    I only get these emails on a Saturday, so always miss the Thursday and Friday van information. Is this the same for everyone?


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