Haslingfield School PTFA: Invitation to Next Weekend’s VE Day Celebrations!

Haslingfield School PTFA have planned several fun events for the VE Day Bank Holiday weekend (Friday 8th/Saturday 9th/Sunday 10th May). Please note that these events are open to everyone. They are:

Here’s a letter to everyone explaining more:

“Dear Parents and Friends

We hope that you are all keeping well in these unusual times.

Usually, during the Summer term we aim to raise around £2,500- £3,000 to fund a variety of items which our school relies upon to advance the education of our children. The current circumstances make planned events such as the Summer Fayre impossible. Therefore, the PTFA have put their heads together (via Zoom of course!) to come up with some alternative ways of raising funds and also, we hope, providing some entertainment for everyone!

We are also aware that some people will be experiencing a tougher time financially, and so we have taken this into account when planning how we raise money for events, and how much we ask from you. Any amount that you can spare will be gratefully received.

We hope you will be able to join in the celebrations!”

Haslingfield School PTFA

Comments (1)



    No doubt the the PTFA are aware that during WW2 the school was the Home Guard base. Father, the headmaster, was the Home Guard commanding officer. Following school he changed into military uniform and was joined by village men from reserved occupations, who did likewise after their day’s work.
    London evacuees came to the school, joining the rural pupils.
    Resources, then, very limited, but education continued under father; mother too,
    behind the scenes helping the efforts.
    The website has a photo of the village Home Guard taken on the school playground.
    Looking at the European dimension of your weekend, I can send some interesting
    questions on France for the quiz. Basic general knowledge to suit most participants.
    Above all, stay safe and well.

    Above all keep safe and well.


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