Haslingfield Parish Council Agenda – 8 June 2020

The Haslingfield Parish Council Meeting will be taking place this Monday 8 June at 7.30 pm. Note that this is a virtual meeting. To see the agenda, please click: 20200608 Agenda HPC Meeting

Comments (1)

  • Tom Lindley


    Agenda Item 3 – Public Forum ….. To allow members of the Public to raise any matters of interest (15 mins) – I am aware of property owners now being contacted by East West Rail to conduct Environmental Surveys – properties on Haslingfield Road, Harlton and Royston Road, Harston – would it be prudent to contact EW Rail to gain list of all locations? Can the PC ensure that all persons in village are aware of EW Rail website where update is available? I am sure that this is the biggest engineering / construction scheme to affect the local environment of Haslingfield and its residents – I am surprised how awareness is so low (my findings talking to people).


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