Cambridge Community Arts (CCA),

Being creative is good for you, it will improve your mental wellbeing and your confidence. Cambridge Community Arts have year-long accredited creative courses in Visual, Digital & Performing Arts starting in September 2020. CCA’s classes offer a non-judgemental, stimulating, and friendly environment.

They are run by experienced professional artists in local community centres and have a maximum of ten people per class. Our one-year, parttime courses in partnership with Cambridge Regional College, allow you to explore your chosen art form in depth and gain an AIM Awards Level 2 Certificate in Skills for Working in the Creative & Design Industries.
Courses are open to adults 19+. Priority is given to people with health conditions. Reduced cost for those on low income or means-tested benefit.
Please visit our website to download our 2020-21 programme and find more information about each course, fees
and how to apply. | | 07763 280029

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