CamSight House-to-House Collection 2019
Thank you to everyone who supported the CamSight collection in June. £1,868.35 was collected in Haslingfield and Harlton. In addition, a further £268.50 will be added as the result of kind people Gift Aiding their donation. We are very grateful for your generosity in helping this small local charity that helps and supports people of all ages who have a visual impairment.
CamSight has been raising money for many years by collecting and selling used postage stamps but they would now be grateful if you would save entire envelopes with the postmark as well as the stamp. This includes business envelopes without stamps. Please leave them with us and we will pass them on. Thank you.
Roger Mortimer, Dilleys, Eversden Road, Harlton.
Christine Kipping, 1 Stearne’s Yard, Haslingfield.