Village Society Talk

 The new season of Haslingfield Village Society talks begins with one of the Society’s favourite speakers, Michael Coles, who will speak about “Further Travels in India – Weaving about in Gujarat.” Few overseas visitors make their way to the state of Gujarat. This is the State of Mahatma Gandhi, where he encouraged craft skills and started his non-violence journey to independence. Gujarat is in parts densely populated but elsewhere a desert, and the home for many people making exquisite textiles. This talk will take us from the big cities, through the villages, to the Arabian Sea. Tuesday, 18th September 2018, 8:00 PM, Haslingfield Village Hall.
Everyone is very welcome to any of our events and meetings. Members and youngsters are free. A small charge is made for visitors.

Comments (2)

  • Brian


    The talks are organised by the Haslingfield Village Society (see ‘Social/Village Society’). We welcome new members and the Membershp Secretary is Graham Kipping on 01223 870227.


  • Bridget Heaver


    I have recently moved into the village and would be interested to learn more about the Village Talk group with a view, perhaps, to becoming a member.


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