Village Society Social

image002‘The Homing Stone’    AN EVENT NOT TO BE MISSED!

Arthur Ransome, journalist and beloved English writer, and Hugh Lupton, one of Britain’s leading storytellers, are the ingredient of The Haslingfield Village Society’s Social Evening on 4th February 2017.

It is autumn 1919. Moscow is surrounded by counter-revolutionaries. Arthur Ransome is known to be a Bolshevik sympathiser. He’s fallen in love with Trotsky’s secretary. They both know they’ll be lynched or shot if Moscow falls. Somehow they must escape. image001On Ransome’s desk is a stone from Peel Island on Lake Coniston. Is it a powerful enough talisman to get him home?In this Praise Song for his great uncle Hugh Lupton tells the extraordinary story of Arthur Ransome and Evgenia Shelepina’s escape through Estonia, an adventure in which they seemed to become characters from one of the folk tales Ransome had collected in ‘Old Peter’s Russian Tales’, surviving by a mixture of quick wit and good fortune. The first half of the performance is a series of folk-tales collected by Ransome in Russia that prefigure his own adventures.

Suitable for Age 12 to Adult.  The £12 tickets include: soft drink and nibbles from 6 – 7 pm and a drink with a box of edible goodies in the interval.

This event is now sold out; to enquire about possible returns contact  Tessa Davies 870989 or Maria Stringer 871256.

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