Next Village Society Talk

wheat pic‘The Story of Wheat’ by Jim Orson
Haslingfield Village Hall, Tuesday 16th Feb. at 8.00pm

Wheat is the dominant arable crop , both locally and nationally; our soils and climate are suited to its production.  It is an important part of our diet, with around 80% of the flour used for our bread coming from UK-grown wheat.  Globally it constitutes 20% of dietary energy. The origins of wheat will be described along with the development of current and possible future growing practices.
Jim Orson, an almost retired agronomist whose career has been spent on research and advising on arable crop production.  As well as working closely with European researchers he has advised on wheat production in Australia, New Zealand and Canada.  He currently works at NIAB TAG in Cambridge.

Everyone is welcome at our talks and events.  Members and 16-and-under are free; small charge for visitors.  Refreshments in the interval.

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