Next Village Society Talk

David Parr HouseThis Cambridge home has a story to tell.  Tamsin Wimhurst, curator and local historian, will relate The Story of The David Parr House at The Haslingfield Village Society,  Tuesday 15th March 2016, 8.00pm in Haslingfield Village Hall.
History would not normally have taken note of this unassuming terrace house except for the most amazing legacy that David Parr, who lived there from 1887 – 1927, left inside it.  He worked as an artistic painter for the firm F R Leach & Sons that collaborated with many of the famous architects and decorators of the day, such as William Morris and George Bodley.  During his spare time, he decorated the interior of his home using the craftsmanship and decorative skills that were normally only seen in the interiors of the churches and high status homes he worked on during the working day.

Everyone is welcome to our talks and events.  Members and youngsters are free; small charge for visitors. Come and make new friends during our refreshment break.


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