Film Club

movie-cameraThe next Film Club will be on Friday 15th April 2016 at 7.30pm.  We shall meet in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Running time 117 min. Certificate: PG.  We will break for refreshments half way through. Subtitles will not be used unless there is a particular request for them.  Admission is free.
To avoid having a fixed charge for the evening we have opted (for copyright reasons) not to advertise details of the films on notice boards and in the Church and Village Magazine.  As an alternative we ask for a voluntary donation of from £3 each to cover cost of the film, tea, filter coffee, biscuits and use of the premises.  Please invite friends and let me know if there are others who would like to be included on the email list.
On this occasion you can probably guess what the film is from:
A selected review from IMDb 
 Here then is an oasis of colour in both settings and characters. The first film was a heart-warming experience, which reacquainted viewers with what good cinema should be about. The sequel is equally as splendid – in my opinion, and judging by my fellow cinema-goers, by all of those attendees too.  No violence, no swearing, no lavatorial humour.  Gosh, what is the world coming to?  Just dollops of old-fashioned (and I am not ashamed of using the term), gentle humour.  The film is chock-full of some of our (British, that is) top-notch thespians.  For two hours of sheer entertainment, with a feel-good factor tipping the scales, then you will be hard pushed to beat this fine example.



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