Little Owls Preschool Bedding Plant Sale 2015

Little Owls Plant LogoWe invite you to place an order for high quality bedding plants that we will deliver free, to your doorstep. The plants are locally grown in a nursery in Harston – a great way to support a local grower and raise money for Little Owls Preschool. 

Please complete and print out the Plant Sale Order Form 2015 and give it (with your payment) to Julia at: Holly Tree Cottage, Butler Way, Haslingfield (871607) by Wednesday 8th April.  Please make cheques payable to “Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool”.

Alternatively you may hand in order forms with payment to The Village Shop, Haslingfield.  Extra order forms will also be available from the Village Shop.

All orders will be delivered within Harlton and Haslingfield for NO EXTRA charge. Please write on the form behind, your address and where you would like plants left if you are out.  Plants will be delivered between 11am and 3pm on Saturday 16th May.


If you live outside of the delivery area or are away on 16th May please phone Julia (see above) to make separate arrangements.


Thank you

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