Cricket Team Beats Second in the Table

Haslingfield Cricket Club

Haslingfield Cricket Club

This Saturday (4th July) saw Match 10 for Haslingfield Cricket Club. Playing at home on the village Rec in absolutely glorious weather and for only the second time this season (abandoned match excepted) they had eleven men. But what a game to watch, with Haslingfield ending up winners by just 3 runs against Cambourne, who were second in the table! For full match details, click on ‘Read More’ below:-

To put things in context, Cambourne (2nd in the League) are the team that posted 348-4 against Haslingfield when the village team only had eight men, with one Humberto de Sousa scoring 200 not out. Anyway, after Friday night’s torrential downpour Haslingfield were put into bat on a soft but rapidly drying wicket in blistering sunshine. At 42 for 4 things didn’t look too good; even after a Dave and Joe D had steadied the ship with a 41 partnership 87-6 didn’t look anywhere near enough. However a wicketkeeper’s partnership of 56 with Alex scoring 38 off 39 balls began to make things look respectable. Then a combination of indifferent bowling and determined 9, 10, J performances brought Haslingfield to 171 at the end of their innings.

After the break, a first over dismissal by Jokin’ Joe followed by the relatively cheap wicket of de Sousa (28) in the seventh over put the opposition well ahead of the run rate and looking good. Lee, bowling spin this week helped to restrict their progress (2-14) and with regular wickets falling (Joe W 4-51, Tony 2-25) so that in the 30th over Cambourne were 133-9. However, with seemingly inexorable inevitability the visitors crept towards their target. Amidst the increasingly boisterous howls of delight from the watching Cambourne players the Haslingfield bowlers held their nerve until finally, in the 38th over, with only 4 runs required for the win Jack Reed (2-51) skittled their number eleven. Some standout moments, apart from the final wicket, were the three sixes from Joe, Alex and Chris, Alex’s amazing one handed catch low to his right, Clive’s two towering catches and Lee’s caught and bowled. Well done to Clive’s bat scoring 45

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