CamSight House-to-House collection

100-camsight-logo-rgbA very big “Thank You” to everyone who contributed to the collection in Haslingfield and Harlton in June. A record amount of £1,619.61 was collected and a further £200.00 will be recouped by CamSight as a result of the kind people who Gift Aided their donations. In case you have any worries, CamSight WILL NOT contact you as a result of having your address!

We are extremely grateful to the friends who have knocked on your doors and collected the money. It’s not an easy job! Please click Read More below for more info.

You may be interested to know that lots of people in our 2 villages have benefited from the help and support of CamSight over the years, and we have a thriving group of visually impaired people who meet in the Methodist Church on the 1st Tuesday in each month (except August!)

Thank you again

Christine Tod and Christine Kipping

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