Parish Council Minutes 12th May


Minutes of meeting held on Monday 12th May 2014

Present – Bob Branch, Trina Blackhurst, Tony Adcock, Lucian Hatfield, Christine Kipping, Ron van der Hoorn, Sue Watson and Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance. There were 4 members of the public present

1        Election of Chairman – Bob Branch was nominated for re-election as Chairman by Trina Blackhurst and seconded by Christine Kipping. Approved nem.con.

2        Election of Vice Chairman – Trina Blackhurst was nominated for re-election as Vice Chair by CK and seconded by Tony Adcock. Approved nem.con.

3        Vacancy on the Council – This post will be re-advertised on the village noticeboards

4        Apologies for absence – Robin Page, Jenny Jullien, Julie Coxall

5        Members Declaration of interest for items on the agenda – CK declared an interest in the planning application of 20 High St, Ron van der Hoorn lives in proximity to the planning application for 1 Moss Drive, TB manages the Bovis Elms portfolio for N. W.Brown.

6        Open Forum for Public Participation – 2 residents near the development of 1 Moss Drive voiced their concerns about the planning application proceeding as planned. The perceived effect on light, proximity to the boundary and parking safety issues were raised. Concerns were also voiced about the aesthetic appearance of the building in keeping with the surrounding area. The applicant disputed the claims and said that in his opinion the finished building would be much more aesthetically pleasing, with a New England style appearance.

7        Planning applications and decisions: Designs for conversion of garage to study/bedroom and solar panels, 20 High Street, were recommended. Councillors recommended that permission be refused for amended plans to 1 Moss Drive, due to overdevelopment of the site. Erection of swimming pool house and tennis court hut, Cantelupe Farm, Cantelupe Road, was recommended. The Clay Farm Development, Long Road, Cambridge was returned with no recommendation. Proposed sewage pumping station at Monsanto site was recommended for approval. Clear glass window at 18 & 18a Fountain Lane was recommended for refusal.

8   To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of April 14th 2014 – Approved

9        Matters to be reported from these minutes – 2 additional cheques were raised for salary and tax purposes, due to a clerical error

10    Additional matters for discussion – The cleaning of the Millennium Pond is not       recommended by the Ecology Officer, who says we should let it silt up and the ecology will change slightly for the better. CK said a shrub obscuring the sign on Butler Way needs trimming and a sign is needed to point the way to the Old Vicarage. The new Vicarage is now no. 2 Butler Way. She will discuss this with the owners involved. John Offord reminded the Council of the need to have a replacement barrier at the path there, and bollards at the top of New Road. This has been reported and is supposed to be in hand.

11    County Councillor’s Report – SK was encouraged that the debate on the 75 bus service and its impact on Haslingfield had moved in the right direction. It is still under review as is the bus service to Royston, and there will be another consultation to finalise the arrangements. CEMEX is putting in an application for housing and the proposed rail link at the end of May. There will be meetings to discuss the proposals at Barrington. The cycle path issue is still under review and a meeting with the County Cycling Officer has been arranged with LH to try to move the project forward.

12    District Councillors Report – None received

13    Allocation of Councillors responsibilities for 2014-2015Ron van der Hoorn: Allotments, website, village hall, Lucian Hatfield: Website, cycle path, Tony Adcock: Emergency plan, finance, risk assessment, Trina Blackhurst: Village hall meetings, police liaison meetings, John Offord: Planning and grass cutting, Julie Coxall: Play Area and Skate Park, Bob Branch: Road safety and risk assessment, Christine Kipping: Southern Fringe Community, Connections Bus, Warden Scheme, all other Councillor duties to remain the same as before.

14    Committee and Working Party Reports

a)      Environment – LH to have a meeting with the County Cycling Officer to resolve issues with Grantchester’s objections to the Cycle Path plans.

b)      Village Hall – All keys now located. Quote for repairs and refurbishments in hand. All bookings for the Village Hall can now be made on the website.

c)      Allotments – nothing to report

d)     Trumpington Meadows – nothing to report

e)      Play Area – a specialist brochure has been ordered for new item of equipment

f)    Tennis Club Lease – revised lease now received from Barr Ellison and forwarded by RB to Fields in Trust. Should go through in time for the Tennis Club to pursue a grant

g)   Traffic Calming Measures –Skanska is to provide the 20mph limit from Broad Lane to the north west side of the church, with a 20mph speed limit sign at the foot of Chapel Hill. The 30mph limit will be moved part way up Chapel Hill.

15    Correspondence –

16    Presentation of Accounts 2013/14 to Parish Council – TA to present at the Annual Meeting, Council had no major comments.

17      Arrangements for Annual Meeting on May –Catering to be confirmed later because concerned councillors absent

18    Insurance renewal – renewed with AON for a further 3 years

19    Contracts to be tendered – CGM end of financial year – quotes for retendering

20    Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts and salaries

Date of next meeting – Monday 9th June 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall


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