Thank you to everyone who came to the Public Meeting on 13 December 2012 and who provided input via questionnaire, verbal feedback, email or letter.  We have considered and evaluated all feedback and now propose to pursue a number of options which you identified as high priority and which the Parish Council may be able to fund over the next few years.  This long list includes:

 Install School Safety Zone signs and identify how we can best minimise unsafe or inconsiderate parking while still allowing safe and convenient access by pupils and parents to the school.

  • Work with our neighbouring parishes of Barrington, Barton and Harston to agree road safety improvements on the roads between our villages and which is likely to include reductions from the existing 60 mph speed limit on all or part of the roads.
  • Improvements to road safety in Haslingfield village including traffic calming measures and which may also include a reduction in speed limit if agreed by a majority of residents.

 Our next steps are to advise Cambridgeshire County Council of our long list and ask them to provide for each item some advice and guidance on the likely effectiveness and feasibility and a cost estimate. 

 As requested, we have also reviewed the last ten years of road casualty data for the village and its access roads.  The Barton Road is one of the worst unclassified roads in the South Cambs area for accidents. 

 We will continue to update you with progress.  The next time will probably be when we have some information back from CCC and when we have had discussions with neighbouring parishes.

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