Minutes of Parish Council meeting 14th January


 Minutes of meeting held on Monday January 14th 2013

 Present –, Bob Branch, Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, Christine Kipping, John Offord, Rebecca Ridley, Roger Scott, Wendy Timbs , Ron van der Hoorn, John Wheelhouse

Sebastian Kindersley was in attendance

    There were 5 members of the public present

     1      Apologies for absence –none           

2      Members Declaration of Interest –JW, 21 Church St

    3      Open Forum – issues were raised about the planning application for a pool house at 21 Church St  

4     Minutes of meeting held on December 10th were agreed and signed

5    Matters to be reported from these minutes –

      Damaged slide –.  Work to be carried out in the next two weeks

The Playgroup has now closed

Skatepark work has been completed

RvdH has been scanning the ‘History of the War Memorial’ compiled by John Beynon

Locks have been purchased for Wellhouse Meadow Gates    

6            Confirmation of decisions made since last meeting – Confirmation of use of Village Hall as a control centre in the event of an emergency

7            Planning  – S/2411/12/FL – Pool House at 221 Church St – not recommended

                    9650 – Tree work at 25 High St – recommended


Permission given by SCDC for – loft conversion 34 Cantelupe Rd –

Porch, gates and gate piers, garden & landscaping greenhouse, kennels and shed at Cantelupe Farmhouse

Phase 1 reserved matters for the layout, scale and appearance of 201 dwellings and landscaping at the former Bayer Cropscience site, Cambridge Rd, Hauxton

Formation of an agricultural access (retrospective) Cambridge Rd

8            Additional Matters for discussion  .

Prue van de Hoorn has offered to restore the finger post at the junction of New Rd and High St, also the road sign

The  ‘For Sale’ notice has disappeared from the telephone box,  No response was received from the enquiry to BT, a reminder to be issued

Porkers Lane has been reported to AWA, deep ruts have appeared over the winter caused by their tankers, these could prevent emergency vehicles accessing the skate park

Stream of water from Back Lane running towards Porkers Lane has been reported to CWB

A lot of potholes are appearing in Chestnut Close

It is understood that Knibbs the butchers is closing at the end of February and it will re open as a coffee shop, the owners to be contacted to check this information

The gate between the two sections of Wellhouse Meadow is broken           

            Additional ‘No Dogs’ signs are required on the recreation ground and existing ones need re siting

9            County Councillors Report – Twenty-four thousand people have signed up for superfast broadband.  The contract will be awarded in February and should be completed by 2015.  The Public Meeting held in Barrington last week showed strong feelings against residential development at the quarry, (225+ people attended).  Suggestions for use of the site were 

1)      outward bound centre

2)      Re locate the ski slope from Bassingbourn Barracks

The next Police Panel meeting will be held on Thursday 17th January in Haslingfield Village Hall

CEMEX Liaison meeting will held on the same evening

A meeting about the existing bus service in the village will be held on Wednesday 16th January.  Plans for changing the no 75 service from April 2014 will be discussed.

Parish Council precepts will be cut in 2014/15 following the reduction in the number of band D households.  SCDC will make up the cash difference in the first year only

10        District Councillors Report – None received

11      Committee and Working party Reports


A – Environment –Fences and posts have been ordered to erect at the millennium pond

Ivy on Wellhouse Meadow Wall has been cut at roots.  Plan to remove scrubby bushes and trees on the former hedge line across meadow and replace with an oak tree, hedging will also be planted.  This was proposed by JW seconded by JO.  It is proposed to install a bench or seat at a suitable point overlooking the river.  The village footpath map is almost complete. 

B – Pavilion  –  the principle of refurbishment of cloakrooms was agreed during the year 2013/14 subject to the analysis of details of the tenders by JW and JO, proposed JW seconded RS.  The contents of the container have been dumped on the recreation ground.  These to be removed by Neal Poole

C – Allotments –the AGM was held in December.  The secretary’s post is to be split between Jon Spain and Fae Southwell.  Bank balance at the end of the year was £1,490 showing a surplus on the year of £7.16.  There is no waiting list at present.

D – Trumpington Meadows – No updates on Cycle routeJulie Ayres is chasing funding from CCC.  Discussions are starting regarding the next phase of development at Trumpington Meadows, John Pym will update us shortly

E – Play Area – awaiting repairs to be carried out


12    Correspondence  – Invitation to attend an evening of celebration and information organised by the

        Cambridge City Foodbank, donations of £20 per person suggested – 6th February 2013

        Parish Council Liaison meeting at Cambourne 6.30-8pm Thurssday 7th March – nominations

        JW, RS and BB

        Meetings – 15th January SF Forum meeting  CK to attend

                           16th January Meeting re Future of Bus service in the village, 7.30pm Village hall

                           17th January Police Panel meeting 7.30pm Haslingfield Village Hall

                           17th January CEMEX Liaison meeting

        Training for new councillors 22nd, 29th January and 5th February at Harlton 6.30pm

        RS, RvdH, RR, JC, BB

        HPC needs to sign up for Data Registration

        30mph sign at Barton Road end of the village is green with Algae to be reported to Highways


13        Local Plan – consultation stage 2 response.  BB to co-ordinate this.  The following councillors will prepare reports RR, RS, RvdH, BB, JW.  Meeting to be held on 28th January at BB’s.  Other local Parish Councils to be consulted on the issue of the football stadium.

14        Co-option of Parish Councillor –Trina Backhurst was co-opted, prop. by CK seconded by JC

15        Memorial to Olga Murkin – suggestions to be invited from residents.  CK to write article for

            C & V     

16        Website – LH and William Harrold to discuss the best way to organise information from and within  the Parish Council and report back to the February meeting

17        Community Governance Review – JW will circulate a draft letter to SCDC prior to February meeting

18        Report from Public Meeting on Highway safety –

            A report on the assessment of responses from residents at the public meeting was presented together with recommendations for action now and in the future.  After discussion of the available options, it was resolved to pursue now the installation of School Safety Zone signs with painted lines on the road together with the introduction of 40 mph speed limits along all roads between Haslingfield and the villages of Barton, Harston, Barrington and Harlton (in consultation with these neighbouring Parish Councils).  The link to the latter village had been agreed previously.

Traffic calming measures, introduction of footpaths and cycle ways and a 20mph speed limit in the village will continue to be researched for the future.


19        Finance – The precept request for 2013/14 was agreed at £64,402, no change from 2012/13

            The budget details are to be revised by the Finance Committee

            It was proposed by JO and seconded by BB that £7K be allocated as a grant to the Connections bus in 2013/14.  This to be paid in 3 termly instalments    

            Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by JO seconded by WT

Date of next meeting Monday February 11th at 7.30 pm in the Pavilion.


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