Minutes of Parish Council Meeting




Minutes of meeting held on Monday July 9th 2012


Present –Julie Coxall, Ron van der Hoorn, Ray Jack, Christine Kipping, Olga Murkin, John Offord,Rebecca Ridley, Roger Scott, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Robin Page and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance    

    There was 1 members of the public present


1      Apologies for absence – Lucian Hatfield     

2      Members Declaration of Interest – JW declared an interest in TM Stadium development   

    3      Open Forum – mone   

4     Minutes of meeting held on June 11th were agreed and signed  RS name was added to the list of those present

5          Matters to be reported from these minutes –No need for C&V articles to be transcribed into Braille or large print

Claim sent to Insurance company for replacement slide in Play Area

6          Confirmation of decisions made since last meeting

MR has agreed to continue to represent HPC on the Public Art Committee for TR

Bailiffs had been appointed to remove travellers camped on the recreation ground 15/6/12 at a cost of £440

7          Update on Proposed Community Stadium Trumpington Meadows – JW having declared an

interest left the meeting.  It was agreed to circulate to all houses the letter explaining the situation, but advice to be sought on the covering note listing details of how residents should object.  Proposed by JO seconded by RS.  This to be done asap

8         Planning  -– Appeal against decision to extend 6 Church Way has been dismissed as have two applications for costs

9          Additional Matters for discussion  – from the last playground Inspection there are a few minor   low risk repairs required.  Playground Services have been requested to give a quote for repairs

WT reported from meeting attended on street lighting that all lighting would be changed over the next 5 years to higher posts, but fewer and with white lights.  Notice would be given of various timescales as the project progresses.  The street light outside the hall is on continuously, this to be reported.  A letter to be sent to No 41 Chestnut Close reminding them that parking on the footpath is an offence. Request to be submitted for reinstatement of gritting on the road between Haslingfield and Barton once the bridge is completed.  Should there be a lower speed limit between Barton and Haslingfield once the bridge is completed?          

10      County Councillors Report – there is to be a review of Council Tax benefit possibly removing 4K families from the 8K already getting benefit.  Two people occupying a three bedroom house could be asked to move to smaller accommodation.  The review to commence on July 28th.  Housing benefit is also being reviewed and will be calculated according to your needs rather than where you are living.  SK reported that most of his casework is on housing.  SK asked for HPC’s support for Harlton’s request to reduce speed limit on theHaslingfield Road.  Three parts of the CEMEX plant is to be removed, two lorry loads a day are to be taken out via the A10.  The railway needs renovating before it can be used to remove rubble.  A contract to fill in the quarry has not yet been secured.  10ha are being considered for light industry.  The new Code of Conduct forms are causing much controversy, the advice is to only complete the questions you are comfortable with..

11       District Councillors Report – RP commented on the Travellers visit to the village, and

commended the Chairman and the Clerk on their actions.  He felt the Travellers were committing a criminal offence rather than a civil offence by setting up camp on private land.  A lot of rubbish and excrement had to be cleared away.  Since taking office RP had had to deal with a lot of bad neighbour problems.  The proposed housing development at Barton is still under discussion following a 2 vote defeat at the SCDC meeting on 3.7.12.  He felt that it is very unlikely that the 2 proposed sites in Haslingfield would go ahead.  There are no indications of council house building taking place.  The proposed football stadium is a commercial venture and not a community venture.  The new homes bonus which the Government pays to councils is worth £3.5m to the City Council and SCDC if the construction of the 400 additional homes goes ahead


12      Committee and Working party Reports


A – Environment  – Report circulated, work in the Glebe at Churchyard no longer taking place.  A grant application is being submitted by RR towards the work on the wildflower area in Wellhouse Meadow.  The first spraying will take place in 3 weeks time

B – Pavilion  – New chairs have arrived, the old ones are to be taken to Emmaus if no-one wants them.  Solar panels should be fitted by the end of the summer     

C – Allotments – 4 people are now on the waiting list.  6 plots are now under 4” of water. Lots of weeds growing following all the rain.  An application is to be submitted to the SCDC community chest for a grant to hire a digger to clear space for additional plots.

D – Trumpington Meadows – John Pym reported that the houses are being marketed with approx 40 having been sold.  There are possible changes to the original plans, these will be discussed shortly.

E – Skate Park – report from RJ following his investigations into the incident with the horses in the adjoining field.  It was felt no action could be taken at this stage.  A car has been seen parked in the entrance to the skatepark.  Measures to be taken to prevent cars accessing this area.  A letter to be sent to the ladies concerned.

13    Correspondence  – Letter from Chris Gifford to be circulated

Jackie Sayers from SCDC re Bus services, a one day review is planned for October, date to be advised

RailwayBridge– work Plan – regular updates will be sent in time for each parish’s monthly meeting

    Meetings –10th July SF Forum Sub Group meeting 1.15 – 3.00pm  CK

                            12th July Voluntary Groups Trumpington Pavilion 7 – 8.30pm

                             19th July Police panel at Haslingfield 7.30pm


14        Code of Conduct (Revised) – each councillor has received a new copy, and has been requested to complete a 28 page document giving details of their own and their spouse/partner’s interests.  It was agreed to adopt the Code of Conduct  proposed RS seconded RJ 

15        Request for change in speed limit on Haslingfield to Harlton Rd – RS and JC to investigate

16        General Power of Competance – deferred until next meeting

17        Finance – Investment of General Reserve –RS to investigate

      Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by WT seconded by JO


Date of next meeting Monday August 13th 2012 at 7.30 pm in the Pavilion.

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