Haslingfield Under 8’s Football

We are very pleased to announce that a new opportunity for boys and girls to play football is arriving in Haslingfield, starting on Saturday 26 January. A new under 7s team is assembling as part of Haslingfield Colts (which until now, only has had an under 13s team.)  From 0930-1030 on Saturday mornings, all year 2, year 1 and reception-aged children are welcome to come to training at Haslingfield Rec.

We aim to provide a positive and fun atmosphere for kids to enjoy and challenge themselves playing the beautiful game. Next season, we expect to register an under 8s team (made up of children who will be in Year 3 next year) in the Cambridgeshire Mini-Soccer League.

Training is £1/session.  Any questions,  please contact Chris Coleridge (07910 659856 or 01223 264355) or Paul Davies (07932 649318) about Year 2 children, or Matt Queen (07771 560109) about Year 1 and Reception children; or email c.coleridge@ucl.ac.uk We conform to all FA reguations and are CRB checked.

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