Parish Council Meeting 10th October


Minutes of meeting held on Monday October 10th 2011

 Present –Marjorie Richardson (In the chair), David Blake,  Martin Heazell, Ray Jack, Christine Kipping, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Coun. Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

  There were 2 members of the public present

 1      Apologies for absence – Lucian Hatfield and John Offord

        Ray Jack was welcomed to the meeting as a new councillor

 2      Members Declaration of Interest – yellow Lines  DB, ML, CK

 3      Open Forum –Mike Thorpe expressed concern about plans for housing in River Lane.  This is not a site selected.

 4      Update on Trumpington Meadows – the new school plans have now been approved and work should start asap.  It is still on target to be opened in September 2012.  Concern was expressed about the large quantity of glass being used and the cost of maintenance.  It has been decided to install canopies at the south facing windows of the school to keep the rooms cooler.  John Pym was asked to keep HPC informed of any changes.  The proposal to construct a football stadium for Cambridge United on Trumpington Meadows was raised.  It is hoped to arrange a presentation at a public meeting asap, Harston and Hauxton to be included as they will be affected by traffic.  No date has been fixed for the next phase of housing.  RJ expresses concern about floodlighting from football stadium

MH felt that there are now diversions from the original package offered on Trumpington Meadows and our views are being ignored.  It is up to the authorities to control activities and to work with the system we have

 5    Minutes of meeting held on September 12th were agreed and signed, prop DB seconded by CK

 6    Matters to be reported from these minutes –  

Grant application for Royston & District community transport – Voted not to give a donation 7 votes to 1. Organisers to revert to the PC if residents started using it.

No update from Dennis Vacher – there are still works outstanding especially bumps in the road surface at the end of New Rd

No response to Britain in Bloom literature which was circulated to Harlton Gardening Club and the Allotments

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations – no feedback from notice in C & V. Village Society are considering  organising a village picnic a week or so later with a Bakehouse firing, people to bring their own  food, some entertainment and children’s races

 7        Planning – S/1806/11 – Erection of a pair of semi-detached houses following demolition of existing house – 26 New Road

Permission granted by SCDC for extension to 1 Butler Way, 32 Cantelupe Road and Agricultural Building at Cantelupe Farm.  Permission refused for revised replacement dwelling at Cantelupe Farm

 8          Additional Matters for discussion

Skate park damage and closure – this has now been repaired very well by Roy Brown

Letter received from Chris Gifford in connection with this

Street names for Trumpington Meadows – Barretts have selected 13 names and added the suffix to them.  TRA have issues about some names.  I have requested that HPC are invited to next meeting when names are being discussed

 Willow tree behind the bus shelter at Lilac Close – quote for pollarding is £80-£100 – agreed

 Repairs to Play Area equipment – quote received £514.65 – agreed

 An extra dog waste bin has been requested for the top of Porker’s lane – a survey of bins has been carried out and a request sent to SCDC  – no reply

Footpath at the end of Cantelupe Rd needs repairing Highways advised

Fencing panels are falling over onto the footpath from the back of College Crescent – spoken to   Mrs Pett’s daughter who will deal with this.  Mrs Clarkson next door will keep me advised

Plans have been checked by JO for Wisbey’s Yard and Tudor Meadows there are no deviations,

Work on Railway bridge on Barton Rd should commence in November, a request has been submitted for a road  closure for the full length of the contract period.  In practice it may only be closed for short periods of time when on safety grounds access needs to be restricted

Minutes of Southern Fringe Community Development, Health and Well Being Sub Group in folder CK, OM, WT and Ray Jack to attend Southern Fringe Growth Workshop on Thursday 20th October

Report from Meeting of Governors of Trumpington Meadows School

Risk Assessments are now complete thanks to WR, there area a few minor problems in Wellhouse meadow and the Skate Park which will be dealt with.

It was decided to return the maintenance of street lighting back to SCDC from Balfour Beatty

Police Panel meeting on 20.10.11 – MR unable to attend as our representative.  SK to be asked to raise concerns about speeding, and speed of Heavy agricultural vehicles through the village

MR to discuss speedwatch with Christine Branch

A permanent high kerb has been built in front of the houses at Trinity Farm, this to be investigated with the planners

A letter to be sent to Granta Housing requesting action to be taken about parking on the corner of Fountain Lane and the High St

 9          County Councillors Report – South Cambs and Further Housing – following the invitation for people to submit potential sites for housing development this summer, a large number of applications were received.  The initial sifting has taken place and a list of potential sites has been declared, one of which is Barrington Quarry where 3,200 homes could be built.  These sites now have to be reassessed against wider planning policy and public consultation will take place during the summer of 2012.

The National Planning Policy Framework would shake up the planning laws and remove many years of protection of our landscapes from development.  Developers would be able to build what they like where they like and when they like.  The power of communities to say no would essentially be removed, and this could have a devastating effect on the environment.  It is essential that we all make our views known on this matter, please write to our MP Andrew Lansley explaining our concerns.

We are pleased to announce that following representations from the Parish Council and a petition, New Road, Haslingfield is to be added to the secondary gritting route in the Winter maintenance Plan.  Good news that SCAMBS is installing photovoltaic panels on the roof of it’s building at Cambourne.  This will produce free electricity during the daylight hours and a fixed rate, index linked income from the feed in tariffs for the next 25 years

 10     District Councillors Report – the purchase of housing stock by SCDC is going ahead.

Empty houses can be brought up to date with the aid of a grant from King St Homes – contact Liz Heazell for information.  Near accident reported in Harlton recently by fast moving large agricultural vehicle.  The same vehicle has destroyed the grass verge in an area of New Road

A survey of the use of the stage coach bus service is under way

    11     Committee and Working party Reports

 A – Environment  – No meeting

 B – Pavilion  –  new notice board to be delivered on 17th October

Area around Badcock Memorial has been cleared.  The inscription is not clear and the memorial needs straitening now.  Gang mower covers to be replaced.  There will a 5% increase in fees from 1st January 2012.  It is hoped to appoint a new caretaker from November. The cleaner’s hours to be increased by 1 hour per week this to be reimbursed by the football club if the changing area is not left tidy.  The old goal posts have been put across the opening from the High St to prevent vehicles from entering the recreation ground at that point

 C – Allotments – No Meeting

 12      Correspondence

Letter from Doreen Friend requesting traffic calming in Wisbey’s Yard – passed to Mike Oakman  (CCC Highways) who has forwarded it to Brian Stinton to deal with Parish Training and Information session regarding planning 25th October 5pm – 7pm JW to attend

            Cambs ACRE News Digest

            Energy Challenges for Cambridgeshire 18th October 5 -7pm at the Maltings Ely

            CPALC AGM Bluntisham Village Hall 3rd December 10am – 12.30

HGV Strategy Meeting Tuesday 29th November at Swavesey VC at 7pm

Open Spaces special general meeting Wednesday 23rd Nov in London

 13        Repairs to Play Area quote of £514.65 – agreed to proceed

            RJ to prepare notice and affix to gate concerning costs

 14         Funding for local requests – JW to consult with Brian Stinton  – meeting on 13.10.11

 15        Report on Insite Arts meeting– small committee set up to deal with art work at TM, no major decisions at present.  A walk was arranged around the site on 9.10.11 attended by 30 invited guests.  Various structures were alongside the route.  RJ felt young people should be involved in designs

Report on SCDC Liaison meeting – small capital grants are available (£350).  The Treasury team at SCDC are inviting local authority investments minimum £75K

   Report on Southern Fringe Health and Well being Committee – minutes in folder

 16        Yellow lines around the school – letter to go to all parents from HPC and Headmaster

 17      Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by WT seconded by JW

 Date of next meeting Monday November 14th 2011

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Comments (1)

  • william


    Well we look forward to receiving the letter about Yellow Lines from the PC and Headmaster. (Nothing yet). If the letter is proposing Yellow Lines then it would be great to see the case for them, because I can’t help thinking that Yellow Lines near the school are just going to move the problem from one set of residents in School Lane and Stearne’s yard to those in the next street further away. Looking at the comments on the Have Your Say post about this, it seems to be an issue between residents near the school and parents who park near the school, so why is the letter only being sent to parents? Also will the feedback received so far by the PC be published or it is a secret?


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