Haslingfield Little Theatre News

On  27th, 28th, 29th May, Haslingfield Little Theatre will be performing The Happiest Days of your Life at 7.45 p.m. in the Village Hall. This period farce takes place in a boys’ boarding school just after WWII, when a girls’ school is accidentally billeted with the boys – with hilarious and chaotic consequences. The original play was later turned into a very successful film starring Margaret Rutherford, Alistair Sim and Joyce Grenfell.

 Tickets are available from the Village Shop at £7 per person
(£5 concessions are available Thursday and Friday only)

Our last production, The Babes in the Wood has just won Best Pantomime of 2009 by the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA) East District 04S. Thanks to everyone who came to see the production – we hope you enjoyed it. www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk


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Comments (1)

  • Jane Horwood


    Looking forward to the new production.


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