Haslingfield Dog Show

The first Haslingfield Dog Show was held on Well House Meadow on 11 September 2010.

The ring was set up and the team were ready for the entries; people started arriving and the heavens opened; the water had to be continually swiped off the table with David standing with umbrellas hovering over it; people trying to write on soggy paper whilst holding onto their dogs – a good start. It was only the glimpse of blue sky on the horizon that kept us going.

The admin. team did a sterling job of translating the damp paper into classes ready for the Judge,  the sun came from behind the clouds and somewhere there was a rainbow.

Owners and their dogs waited patiently for the judging to start and Sue did a thorough and professional job of choosing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each class, as well as the Best in Show- a very difficult job especially with everyone from the Village watching.

The Best in Show was Kaley, owned by Jean Vernon-Smith of Harlton  and the Best Haslingfield Dog was Rosie owned by (unfortunately the first name disappeared in the rain) Smith, of New Road. It is planned to put a full list of winners on the website www.haslingfieldscarecrowfestival.org.

Hopefully, the Dog Show will return to the next festival with improvements in organisation and, preferably, no rain!

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