Ash Watch: How to spot ash dieback disease

In response to the Forestry Commission announcement that Chalara ash dieback has been found in the woods and hedgerows of East Anglia, the Parish Council would encourage residents to keep a watchful eye out for the disease, which causes leaf loss and crown dieback in affected trees, and can lead to tree death. The disease is most likely to be found in newly planted young trees.

The Forestry Commission has a helpful webpage which shows confirmed infections just on the village doorstep and gives a description and advice (video and pictures) on how to look for the symptoms. The Woodland Trust also has practical advice on what you can do including vigilant inspections for browning of leaves, especially for young trees planted within the last five years considered to be most at risk.

Please report any sightings or suspected cases of the disease immediately to:

Chalara helpline:
08458 33 55 77 (open 8am – 6pm every day)
Email Forestry Commission –

Continue reading Ash Watch: How to spot ash dieback disease

Haslingfield Diamond Wood Tree Planting Event

Saturday 17th November from 10am to 12pm. Come along and plant a tree with us!  As part of the Woodland Trust’s Jubilee Woods Project the Trumpington Estate is creating a new area of woodland in Haslingfield.  Parking will be available at Cantelupe Farm, Cantelupe Road (Haslingfield). From here there is a free park & ride service.  For Sat Nav. use CB23 1LY

Continue reading Haslingfield Diamond Wood Tree Planting Event

Trumpington Farm Company – Farm Walk

13 October 2012, 10:00 – 12:00, Cantelupe Farm

The ‘walk’ will take the form of a tractor and trailer ride around Cantelupe Farm and Trumpington Fen showing the latest developments on the Estate, discussing crops, wildlife and farming methods with the David Knott, the General Manager, and Richard Pemberton. Spaces will be limited to 25 in the trailer, children welcome. Please register your interest at


Over The Hedge – news from Trumpington Farm Company, Cantelupe Farm

Much has changed at Trumpington Farm Company in the last year. Firstly after nine years as Farm Manager for TFC Andrew Crossley has moved to the team at Thurlow Estate near Haverhill. In 2007 the operational running of TFC passed to Richard Pemberton from his father Antony, who continues to manage the Peterborough operations. In November, Richard welcomed David Knott to the team, who brings his wife Sue and family from Lincolnshire. As the new General Estate Manager, David is responsible not only for farming matters, but also wider estate issues. Continue reading Over The Hedge – news from Trumpington Farm Company, Cantelupe Farm