Minutes of Parish Council meeting 21st February

Minutes of Haslingfield Parish Council meeting held on Thursday February 21st

No apologies for absence

All councillors were present and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley was in attendance

Election of Chairman

There was one nomination for Chairman, Wendy Timbs was proposed by RR and seconded by LH

Wendy was duly elected.

Lucian Hatfield was proposed as Vice Chairman by WT and seconded by JO

Lucian was duly elected.

Other matters for discussion

SK reported that he had spoken to Sharon Brown at a JDC meeting and asked her to ensure that at least 50% of the £97.5K Section 106 money is allocated to the cycle way.  SK left the meeting

BB offered to take over the organisation of a meeting with neighbouring parishes to oppose the building of the stadium at Trumpington Meadows.  The Clerk agreed to furnish BB with details of officers involved.

RR reported on a meeting held with Richard Pemberton and his PA to discuss the proposed cycle route, and arrangements for cyclists to use the route regularly through Cantelupe Farm.  Richard was very supportive and we now await further details from SCDC and CCC.  A meeting is to be arranged with all interested parties in the near future.  RR to remind SK

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.30pm

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