Minutes of meeting held at The Rose Haslingfield on Tuesday January 22nd 2013
Present: Dick Kingshott, Jon Spain, Beki Korb, Steve Richardson, Fae Southwell
Apologies: Ron van der Hoorn
13/01. The minutes of the meeting 29th October were agreed and accepted.
13/02. Matters arising – Beki said there had been 2 orders for the seed club. She will send out another email reminding plot-holders of the website address.
13/03. Matters arising from Annual General Meeting
Amendments to Constitution – discussion regarding current Constitution following amendments passed at the AGM. Draft document showing proposed amendments (in red) circulated for consideration by committee members.
Action: Committee members will email comments and/or approval the Chairman asap.
The final version will be written by the Chairman and passed to the Treasurer to take to the next meeting of the Parish Council.
Community Chest – Funding will be required to clear bushes etc. in order to make more plots available. There is currently no waiting list, so there is no immediate pressure to carry out this work.No bids will be made for Community Chest funding at this stage. The committee will defer any bid until it is time to clear the worst, central section, of the site.
Sheds – Request for plot holders to erect small shed for storing tools etc.
Action: Treasurer to raise with the Parish Council..
13/04. There was discussion regarding Indemnity Agreements for the new Committee. Agreement required for the Chairman, Treasurer, Minutes Secretary, Membership Secretary and two Committee members.
Action: Jon to produce the Indemnity Documents for signing to be available for the next Committee meeting. The Chairman/Membership Secretary to sign as appropriate.
13/05. Treasurers report – The closing balance is £1,263.72, with £3.00 cash in the manure account.
Annual insurance of £159, and Affiliation fees (for 33 members at £2.00 per person) £66.00 have been paid.
Unsigned cheque in regard of plot rent being followed up.
Action: Ron ensure that the annual peppercorn rent is paid to the Parish Council.
13/06. Membership Secretary’s report – A man from Harston has taken over the half plot on 23b. He has asked to be kept on the waiting list for a whole plot.
There are no vacant plots, and no-one on the waiting list, apart from the above.
13/07. Annual Risk Assessments – Require to be done April/May. Previous years these have been carried out by RJK & JS. Stephen Richardson expressed an interest and will carry out with RJK this year.
Action – Chairman to supply Stephen with the protocol and information asap so that he has time to familiarise himself with the details of the task. RJK & SR to produce the final documentation for submission to the Parish Council.,
13/08 Site Development
Working parties – weather conditions mean it’s almost impossible to get onto the plots at the moment. The Committee wants to start clearing the area at the back of the site to make more plots available. However, the compost heaps need shifting, and it is planned to use this material to improve the East Lane access route.
Action: Ron to check the tyres of the wheelbarrows
The date for the next working party will be Saturday February 23rd from 2pm – 3.30pm with another scheduled for Saturday March 16th same time.
Grass-cutting – to commence in April. The same areas will be done by the same people as last year. Steve Richardson will join the grass-cutting team.
Action: Jon to organise the next date for grass-cutting.
Maintenance Issues – the Committee discussed the issue of weeds growing on paths between plots. We need to enforce the rule that plot-holders must mow the paths around their own plot.
13/08. Cont.
Maintenance Issues cont.
– the track along Haslingfield road is deeply rutted. We suspect this was caused by a heavy vehicle dumping 2 loads of wood chipping.
Action: The first working party will fill the ruts along Haslingfield road up to the turning circle.
13/09. AOB
Minutes of Meetings – Action: Jon will post the minutes of the last meeting on the noticeboard.
Rabbits are getting onto the plots following a ‘population explosion. There was discussion about erecting a perimeter fence, but the costs would be prohibitive.
Enquiry regarding payment for manure used on plots. The money should be placed in an envelope, with plot holders name and amount enclosed, and deposited in the letterbox. This is collected by the Treasurer.
Accumulation of plastic bags at the rear of the site, beside bonfire.
Action: Steve will remove the plastic bags from the rear of the site and take them to the tip. He also has some carpet, which he will lay on the strimmed beyond plot 38.
Request new members of Committee for plan of site
Action: Ron can probably print off 3 or 4 copies for next meeting.
13/10. Next meeting – set for Tuesday 26th March 7.30 The Rose Haslingfield


  1. I’m hoping to move to Haslingfield around the end of April, and would love to have half a plot at some point, when you have time to clear the area. It will take me time to settle in, do things to the house etc. Am moving to 6 Wisbey’s Close but am still active.

    Would you be able to put me on a waiting list now, or would you prefer me to wait until I actually move in? I have half an allotment in Stetchworth and love it.

    Best wishes, Hannah Morrow

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