Minutes of Parish Council meeting 10th September 2012

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HASLINGFIELD  PARISH  COUNCIL


Minutes of meeting held on Monday September 10th  2012


Present –Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield,  Christine Kipping, John Offord, Rebecca Ridley, Roger Scott, Wendy Timbs , Ron van der Hoorn, John Wheelhouse


County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley and District Councillor Robin Page were in attendance

    There were 5  members of the public present


    1      Apologies for absence –Olga Murkin,          

2      Members Declaration of Interest – None   

    3      Open Forum – concerns about booking in advance for parties in Wellhouse Meadow

            Objections to proposed extension to 43 Barton Road

            Offer to assist with web site, and concerns about parking at The Knapp   

4     Minutes of meeting held on August 13th were agreed and signed  

5    Matters to be reported from these minutes – Insurance claim not paid yet; 

Work progressing well on the railway bridge, should be open to single lane traffic soon

6            Confirmation of decisions made since last meeting – purchase of boiler for Village Hall at a cost of £3867.  Gates have been ordered for Recreation Ground

7            SCAMBS Issues and Options Consultation Document – a response has been prepared by the working party, this was agreed by full council.  There are still some responses to be written before submission by 28th September.  Responses to be filed on the internet (RVH to organise)

Other villages are not responding as strongly as Haslingfield SK

Barrington, Harlton, The Eversdens and Haslingfield should get together to discuss the ‘Quarter to six’ plans’ RP

8            Neighbourhood Plan – it was agreed to proceed with this, RS offered to be the convenor

9      Planning  -– S/1439/12/FL – Extn and demolition of garage, 43 Barton Rd – recommend refusal

S/1807/12/FL – Extension and Revised design (retrospective) 18 & 18A Fountain Lane recommend refusalSCDC have granted permission for an annexe at Charity Farmhouse, Harston Rd and Dwelling (amended) 18 & 18A Fountain Lane

  10      Emergency Plan – nothing more to add to prepared plan, volunteers are being recruited – RS

11      Additional Matters for discussion  –  It has been suggested that paving slabs be placed under the seats in play area.  It was thought rubber matting might be a better alternative, quotes to be sought

Sale of land at Wisbey’s Yard now being handled by Jenny Clarke at SCDC

Quote for repairs to ramps in skatepark  –  £1230 + VAT

Quote for slabs in front of seats and repairs to tarmac, to be put on hold until a decision is reached about slabs

Replacement 30mph bin stickers to be circulated as before with the addition of houses around the school

RVH to set up stand at Church Fete on 15.9.12 promoting ‘Superfast Broadband’

12      County Councillors Report – the fight continues for the duelling of the A428 between Caxton and St Neots.  Relate now offers family counselling and have specialists in children and young people’s counselling – contact 01223 357424.  SCDC have produced a booklet ‘Guide for Businesses’, This is available as a booklet or on the website.  There is advice on running a business from home, converting premises etc. www.scambs.gov.uk.  CCC has put lots of information regarding children and families on one website www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/families.  The latest census figures (2011) showed the greatest increase in population figures were in South Cambridgeshire 18,800, the largest percentage increase at county level was Cambridgeshire with an 11% increase (68,545).  The overall increase was 6.4% (1,353,100).  Very few premises in Haslingfield have signed up for superfast broadband, this to be encouraged by a leaflet drop.  A survey is to take place amongst carers next month to assess services already provided for carers and those being cared for.  If you have not received your SCAMBS magazine contact 01954 606300.  A new PCSO has been appointed Steph Wiltshire.  A new Governor is required for Haslingfield School.  Grosvenor Developers have been identified as the main proposers of the football stadium.

13      District Councillors Report – RP considers that the development of housing on Bourne airfield

would create rat running through Barton, Harlton and Haslingfield, as would the expansion of Comberton as a regional village.  CEMEX are starting to demolish the old factory buildings. Various options for the site are being discussed – housing, housing and light industry, a nature reserve and visitor centre, a science park.  No decisions have been made as yet.  It is important that any development does not swamp Barrington or overspill into Haslingfield.  Access to the site is a problem

14      Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment  – None

B – Pavilion  – None     

C – Allotments – None

D – Trumpington Meadows – 4 houses now occupied with a total  11 children  A welcome event is to be organised in November.  Digging of the first turf for the school took place on 10th September, it is scheduled to open in September 2013

E – Play Area – JC to keep an eye on the zip wire cable

      15    Correspondence  – TM  Local Centre Working Group rep – more information required

     Queen Elizabeth  Field Challenge – membership to be reviewed

     Letter confirming the appointment of ‘Littlejohn LLP’ as external auditors for 5 years from  

     2012/2013 – 2016/17

     Community Networking event 12 November 2012 at Gamlingay Eco Hub

     Litter and dog waste bins in the villages remain the responsibility of SCDC

    Meetings –

                       18th September SF Meeting at the Pavilion, WT to attend

                       25th September Cambs Acre AGM 6 – 8pm, Huntingdon

16     Options for speed limit reductions/management in Haslingfield – HPC recently made an    unsuccessful bid for CCC funding for speed limit signage at the school approaches and Barton Road.  CCC have recently produced a booklet entitled ‘Your Community – Your Speed Limit’.  This is being researched by 3 members of HPC and a report will be presented at the October meeting.             

17     Parties in WellhouseMeadow – new guidelines to be issued in next C & V

20        Finance –

     It was decided to review the list of publications subscribed to

 Resolution to pay outstanding accounts proposed by WT seconded by JO

Date of next meeting Monday October 8th 2012 at 7.30 pm in the Pavilion.

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