New Vicar at All Saints’ Church

RebeccaThe Bishop of Ely is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Rebecca Gilbert to serve as Team Vicar in the Lordsbridge Team Ministry, the group of churches that includes All Saints Church, Haslingfield.   Rebecca is currently on maternity leave from her previous post as curate in the Three Rivers group of parishes near Newmarket and plans to move into The Vicarage with her family in September.   She is married to Richard (Rich) and they have two young children.

Rebecca’s  formal licensing by the bishop will take place in All Saints Church on October 20th so we will be seeing her and the family around for some weeks before then, although her formal duties will begin only once she is licensed.  We very much look forward to welcoming Rebecca, Richard and the children into the Haslingfield community, and to once more having a complete ministry team.

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