Annual Safari Supper is Here

The village Tennis Club warmly invites you to this year’s Safari Supper which will be held on Saturday 23rd November, from 7pm. It’s usually a fantastic evening with all money raised going to the club. Tickets are £10/head (£5 for Main Course hosts), and if you would like to join in you need to:-
Decide if you would like to provide a Main Course.
If you’re up for doing that, invite 6 local friends to a dinner party, and ask each pair to choose which course they would like to provide at their own house.  Options are Pre-Dinner Drinks, Starters and Desserts.
Then send the tennis club the names (and addresses, if not Club members) of all your party and which course each of them will do.
By the way, your guests DO NOT need to be Tennis Club members.
If you don’t want to provide a Main Course.
Find someone who is and get invited to their group!  Or persuade your friends to do a Main Course, and join their group.
If that doesn’t work, please contact the tennis club and they will put Guests in touch with Hosts who have space in their parties.
On the night… your Main Course host will give you an address to go to for your Pre-Dinner Drinks.  Towards the end of that course, your hosts will tell each pair which address they need to go to for their Starters and so on throughout the evening.  At the end of the evening we will all convene somewhere in the village for Port and Coffee.
If guests live outside Haslingfield (but within cycling distance) you are still very welcome to attend but as most people won’t want to drive once the evening gets going, it’s normally arranged so that they will provide Pre-Dinner Drinks.
This event is always great fun, and remember, it’s open to non-members too, so why not invite your local friends to play too?
Do get in touch with the tennis club if you have any questions – and please let them know as soon as you can if you would like to take part.
The Tennis Club contact is:

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