Haslingfield Head Teachers, 1875-1975

Below is a list of Head Teachers at the local school between 1875 and 1975.The list is interesting in a number of ways:
*There was a woman head for barely five years of the 100 covered;
*There was clearly a difficulty at the end of the First World War in filling the post. Between Messrs. Royston and Laxton there were ten heads.This must have been something to do with the lack of male recruits into the teaching profession during wartime; *Miss Ling, who is the subject of a dramatic reading at the Village society in February 2012, served under fourteen different heads in her school career, which stretched from 1917 to 1963.

1875-1882 Micaiah Marshall
1883-1890 Ramsden Mellor
1890-1912 J.W. Senior
1912 Mrs. E. Guise (temporary)
1912-1914 William Thorne
1914 Mrs. E. Guise (temporary)
1914-1918 George Royston
1918 Kathleen Chapman (temporary)
1918-1919 B. Ashby (temporary)
1919 George Royston
1919-1922 Mrs. A.E. Boswell
1922 Barbara McLaren (temporary)
1922 W.M. Goodman
1922-1923 Albert Norman (temporary)
1923 Herbert W. Saunders
1924 A.G. Thompson (temporary)
1924 Frederick C. Rowe (temporary)
1924-1930 John Laxton
1930 Lilian A. Leybourne (temporary)
1930-1966 Eric G. Cole
1974- George Hamilton

2 thoughts on “Haslingfield Head Teachers, 1875-1975”

  1. I was in Miss Ling’s class in the year when she left, and presented her with a bouquet. Please let me know when this reading is going to take place!

  2. Dear Sirs,
    Family lore has it that Beatie Ashby was my great uncle Tom ‘s sweetheart.Uncle Tom fought in the first world war and was badly affected by mustard gas. He returned to England a very sick man and spent a great deal of time at Addensbrooke Hospital before finally passing away.
    Beatie Ashby, as far as I know, did not marry. She died in her 90s and her final wish was to be buried next to uncle Tom.

    My grandmother, Gwendoline Anne Seaman was a primary school teacher at Haslingfield I think around 1920 or maybe earlier. I have a photograph of her wit the other teachers of the school. Would this be of any interest to anyone?

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