OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor the sixth year running, the sponsored walk ‘In the Steps of the Bishop’ will be taking place on Saturday 20 September.  We start off from the Chapel of Gonville & Caius College in Cambridge at 10.30 am and finish in Haslingfield Church at around 1 pm where refreshments will be available for tired and thirsty walkers. The walk is undertaken to commemorate the regular walk along the same route taken by Bishop Charles Mackenzie to help with services in Haslingfield.  He later went to Africa in the steps of David Livingstone and founded the Christian church in what is now Malawi.  All Saints Church and Haslingfield School continue to raise much needed funds for the school and church in the village of Magomero.  Go to ‘READ MORE’

McKenzie Window


Annual Haslingfield Strawberry Fayre

Strawberry Fayre Poster (2) 2013medium Will be held on Friday 11th July from 5.30-7.30 pm in Haslingfield Methodist Church Gardens
(Indoors if wet).
Enjoy BBQ, homemade buffet and local strawberries and cream, stalls, cake stall, games, raffle.
Organised by Haslingfield Methodist Church and Little Owls Preschool.
Profits to charities: Cambridge Street Pastors, Little Owls Preschool & Methodist Church.
Entry: Voluntary donation of an item of non-perishable food for the Cambridgeshire Food Bank.

Messy Church

The June Messy ChMessy Church Logourch will be on Friday 20th June from 3.30-5.00pm at the Methodist Church.
We will be celebrating ‘Messy S
ummer – God’s wonderful world’.
Creative crafts – Refreshments – Conversation – Fun – All age – Informal Worship – All welcome – Relax – and  of course be MESSY.  No commitment, no cost.  Come and try it.

Faith To Live By

The next guest speaker in our Faith To Live By series of services at Haslingfield Methodist Church will be led by Revd Robert Dolman on Sunday 8th June 2014.  His address is entitled: ‘Primitive Physic and its Implications for Christian Lifestyle Today’.   The evening will involved a short service, and address, refreshments and an informal discussion.  Everyone welcome. Continue reading Faith To Live By

Thanksgiving for Marriage

weddingThe Parish Church invites you to a service of Thanksgiving for Marriage on Sunday June 15th at 10.30am.   We also want to thank Christine Tod for a faithful ministry of over 40 years of preparing flowers in the church for weddings.

For those of you who wish, there will  be an opportunity to make a quiet renewal of your marriage vows.  This invitation is for all – whether you are married or not and whether you were married in our village church or not.  Please bring a wedding photo or even an album so we can put them out on tables for other to see while we enjoy appropriate refreshment.