Badgers in Haslingfield!

Doug Thompson has sent in some great photos of Badgers seen in Haslingfield during May.

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    Dear Sirs,
    Forgive another email from France.
    The photos of the badgers are good to see. Mr Thompson understands the subjects
    and how to capture them as images. I too thoroughly enjoy photography, and have stored away the 35 mm slides I took around the village in 1977 for the Silver
    Jubilee!! Memory lane….
    Here there’s an abundance of flora and fauna ideal for photographers, indeed all
    people who enjoy the natural world. I am happy to be of assistance to anyone interested, holidays not too far off, who would enjoy a visit. A plus is the excellence of local hospitality and food. All accessible online via Stansted to Rodez.
    Keep up the good work with the site and the photographic contributions.
    Yours sincerely,
    Neville James Cole.


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